Showing posts with label Kinslee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kinslee. Show all posts

Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my hubby! 

We celebrated Saturday night with a little party.  We cooked out burgers, had chips, dips, fruit, veggies and desserts-  I think everyone had a good time!

I slacked on the picture taking til it was cake time. 

Keevan and Kaden were guarding the cake

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Having to help daddy blow out his candles

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I took a few random pictures- sorry about the lighting on all of them, I don’t know why my camera blew the whites out so much.

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Kinslee LOVED her cupcake!  This baby girls big 1st birthday is this week too!

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All the kids were a little out of control.  You’ll have to excuse majority of them in different states of being undressed.  We didn’t want to ruin outfits with dessert!

They all took turns pushing and riding in the grocery cart

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Super star Ella

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Super star Kinslee

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Kinslee and Ethen

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Harli was SO excited to have Terry here!

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Sweet girls

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Happy Birthday babe.  Thank you for being a great dad and husband to us.  We all love you very much and hope you have  a fantastic birthday today! 

Happy birthday Big Daddy!

Tori, Landry, Ansley & Harli

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011

We had a wonderful Christmas this year (as we do every year) and consider ourselves so very blessed by everything in our lives.  I have way too many pictures as usual!

First off- here is Chris’ present.  In reality, it was his present to himself since he paid for it with his side job money and I didn’t pay a penny!  The only bad thing for him is that it’s no longer his truck.  Once Landry laid eyes on it, he officially declared his!

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Meet Big Daddy’s newest baby.  A 1946 International pick up truck.  It needs some windows, some carburetor work and of course some body work, but it runs and has wheels!

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Banna and Kinslee came over on Friday to exchange presents

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Landry got a dinosaur! Anybody watch Dinosaur Train?  It’s too cute.

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Ansley got a entire nursery set for all her babies!  She LOVED it!  Although, she usually tries to use the set instead of her babies.

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Chris had to work on Christmas Eve, so it was just me and the kids.  We headed to mom and dad’s for dinner and presents!

I had to include this pic because their Zia looks a little crazy! hehe.

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My stud.  Please excuse the chocolate milk on his shirt.  What can I say? I’m in the running for mother of the year…

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Harli got to go as well, which was very exciting for her!  Haegan and Addison were not quite as thrilled.

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The kids got tons of awesome presents

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Notice Keevan’s face?  The drums were a big hit!  Both the kids love to play them!

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Ansley getting her 2011 Christmas Barbie.  It’s customary! :)

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Another big hit was Ansley’s new kitchen! 

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Santa came to our house sometime after we got home!  He must have been pretty tired after getting all those presents out and in order!

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Please excuse the fact that my son still has on the stained shirt from the previous nite and only one sock.  Once again, Mother of the Year….

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Then we opened presents from each other

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Some of the aftermath.

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I meant to take a picture but of course forgot.  Chris got me a beautiful wedding band to go with my ring!  He had it wrapped in a huge box with tons of paper and bricks, only to get down to a tiny ring box!  I took it in today to be sized and have them both polished, so I’ll have to remember to share it later.  I LOVE it!

I finally got the kids rooms and the living room cleaned up yesterday.  It looked like the North Pole had blew up in my house!  Although, by now, the kids have completely destroyed it all again and you can no longer see my living room floor!

We are SO thankful for all that we received.  As much as I enjoy sending thank you notes, I feel as though they sound so insincere.  I can never thank everyone for all they give us with the meaning that it all deserves.  I know that we are extremely lucky to have the ability to give and receive and want everyone to know how much everything means to me and my family.  THANK you so much.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and got to enjoy spending time with family and friends!


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