
Monday, January 31, 2011

Mod Podge Letters

My friend Savanna's baby girl is due SOON!
We worked on her nursery letters on Friday nite and I think they turned out great!

We started with plain letters from HobLob, traced the letters onto scrapbook paper, mod podged them on and let them dry. Then we gave the entire letter another mod podge coat!

After everything dried I hot glued ribbon to the back to hang them up with.
*pardon the horrible pics. I promise they looked great in person!  I just tacked them to a wall to see how they were gonna look, I can't wait to see how they really look up against her green wall!*
I was a little worried during the first letter.  Since the scrapbook paper is on the thinner side, when you apply it along with the mod podge, it bubbles. It totally stressed me out.  But, after it dries, the bubbles were gone. And all was right with the world.

The End.

I'm linking to...
Texas Monkey
mmm button

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Had a few pics to share from this weekend!

Friday, Macy wanted to come see the kiddos.  Ansley loved all the attention! Landry was being a toot but I think it has something to do with the fact that Macy is a pretty girl and he was being shy! After she left, all he could talk about was "Maey"

It was GORGEOUS yesterday. Like 70 degrees gorgeous.  It's supposed to be 12 degrees on Tuesday.  We always wonder why we stay sick?
Landry didn't want to cooperate with pictures, instead wanted to act like Evil Knieval.

Sister obviously has a very hard life.  One minute she was bouncing away and the next she was OUT! She slept for about 15 minutes then all of a sudden woke up and started bouncing again! Silly girl.
We enjoyed dinner out with friends last nite (thanks again Em for babysitting! :) ).  We had a good time but were reminded why we don't do that very often! We may have to stick to the dollar menu for a while!

Ansley wearing her outfit from Elise / Jen! It is precious on her!

Big Daddy and his side kick have been working hard in the kitchen all weekend.  We have the counter top, now we just need a cabinet!  Hopefully after this week, it will be much further along! I'm SO excited for it to be done!

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Subway Art

I've been seeing Subway Art EVERYWHERE!
I've recently become slightly obsessed with it.
Thanks to an awesome program called Make The Cut, it made making subway art with my Cricut a piece.of.cake!  And courtesy of this site I got some (free!) cute fonts!
So...without further ado.
My first go round at Subway Art!

I used an extra tile coaster that I had used for Christmas presents and decided to go with a Valentine theme!

I think it turned out super fun, now I just need a little easel or something to set it up on!
I may or may not be addicted!

I'm linking up here...

Be sure to check them out!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Picaso meet Suzie Homemaker

Scroll DOWN for the Handprint Canvas!

Landry is lovin' his daddy's remodel project! It's funny, anytime you say "Landry did you make this mess?" he says "NO - my daddy did!" The other night when Big Daddy was painting Landry had to get his paints (washable - thank you very much!) and work on some of his own projects!

Notice the green on the wall? Yep, that was obviously a project!

He is so obsessed with anything his daddy does,
he thinks he has to do the exact same thing.

What a big helper!

This raw sheetrock is Landry's workspace during the remodel. He is allowed to do basically whatever he wants to here.  Which means you can usually find him with his tape measure, pencil, hammer, drill, screwdriver or obviously his paint roller!

In his "work" gear

These two can get into such mischief!

I decided to make a Valentines banner.  I hate how gloomy the house is after all the Christmas decorations come down, so I thought it might brighten the mantel up a bit.

So I came across this the other day and fell in love. 
I'm a sucker for anything that involves my babies handprints!!
So I made one of my own!

I LOVE the way it turned out!

Be sure to visit Clean and Scentsible for other fun ideas!

As for me? I'm gonna enjoy those tiny hands as much as possible!

Hope you have a fantastic week!

I'm linking up to these!
Check them out!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Baby Shower

My bestie's baby shower was on Saturday so Friday we *her hostesses* got together again to finish some decorations I had started! Needless to say, it took us til midnight to finish, but I think the end results were worth it!

Part of my mess

A little more
And even more

Landry also helped A LOT!!

Food table

Cake (it tasted as good as it looked!)

Sign in table

The start of the presents

Cupcake liner topiary

Another one (notice the one blue wrapper in the middle? That was Landry's contribution)
The baby momma


We got her a nap nanny

And she got lots and lots of great gifts!

The most amazing rug EVER! Real sheepskin!

Mom made Kinslee a backpack

A name banner and burp cloths

Soon to be Momma & Daddy!

Silly girl.

A lot of work but well worth it! Everything turned out great minus some drama! 
So all in all, I consider it a success!