
Sunday, January 30, 2011


Had a few pics to share from this weekend!

Friday, Macy wanted to come see the kiddos.  Ansley loved all the attention! Landry was being a toot but I think it has something to do with the fact that Macy is a pretty girl and he was being shy! After she left, all he could talk about was "Maey"

It was GORGEOUS yesterday. Like 70 degrees gorgeous.  It's supposed to be 12 degrees on Tuesday.  We always wonder why we stay sick?
Landry didn't want to cooperate with pictures, instead wanted to act like Evil Knieval.

Sister obviously has a very hard life.  One minute she was bouncing away and the next she was OUT! She slept for about 15 minutes then all of a sudden woke up and started bouncing again! Silly girl.
We enjoyed dinner out with friends last nite (thanks again Em for babysitting! :) ).  We had a good time but were reminded why we don't do that very often! We may have to stick to the dollar menu for a while!

Ansley wearing her outfit from Elise / Jen! It is precious on her!

Big Daddy and his side kick have been working hard in the kitchen all weekend.  We have the counter top, now we just need a cabinet!  Hopefully after this week, it will be much further along! I'm SO excited for it to be done!

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!


  1. It's always fun to have a night out. The babies seem to enjoy their friend being with them. Landry knows a pretty girl and will be shy for a while. Ansley looked so sweet when she was napping.I have adorable greatgrandchildren.

  2. Sometimes I need a nap, too. That is hilarious!
