
Friday, January 28, 2011

Subway Art

I've been seeing Subway Art EVERYWHERE!
I've recently become slightly obsessed with it.
Thanks to an awesome program called Make The Cut, it made making subway art with my Cricut a piece.of.cake!  And courtesy of this site I got some (free!) cute fonts!
So...without further ado.
My first go round at Subway Art!

I used an extra tile coaster that I had used for Christmas presents and decided to go with a Valentine theme!

I think it turned out super fun, now I just need a little easel or something to set it up on!
I may or may not be addicted!

I'm linking up here...

Be sure to check them out!


  1. Cool!! What a great way to add little touches around the house. You could do one for every holiday.

  2. Tori, between you and Landry you'll can set up a craft shop full of nice gifts. Ansley will smile and make sweet sounds to get their attention. Chris you be the cashier after you get their shop built. Tori you have it made if you can find the time to work all this together.
