
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Baby Shower

My bestie's baby shower was on Saturday so Friday we *her hostesses* got together again to finish some decorations I had started! Needless to say, it took us til midnight to finish, but I think the end results were worth it!

Part of my mess

A little more
And even more

Landry also helped A LOT!!

Food table

Cake (it tasted as good as it looked!)

Sign in table

The start of the presents

Cupcake liner topiary

Another one (notice the one blue wrapper in the middle? That was Landry's contribution)
The baby momma


We got her a nap nanny

And she got lots and lots of great gifts!

The most amazing rug EVER! Real sheepskin!

Mom made Kinslee a backpack

A name banner and burp cloths

Soon to be Momma & Daddy!

Silly girl.

A lot of work but well worth it! Everything turned out great minus some drama! 
So all in all, I consider it a success!


  1. What a great shower, I love all the decorations!

  2. You may get a full time job doing special showers. That takes a lot of time and work. You seem to be gifted in decorating. I am shocked how interested Landry was as he watched everyone. He is such a sweet and smart little boy.

  3. Did Chris get to clean up the mess? buhahahaha. The decorations turned out fabulous!
