
Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat

The kiddo's had a wonderful Halloween! Landry was on such a sugar high last night that after we put him to bed, he stayed up and played for almost 2 hours before crashing! Crazy kid!

This is from last week, it was the first time he had played "dress up."  The boots are from Kaden and were about 5 sizes too big.  We finally talked him into wearing the boots that finally are his size now, and needless to say, he wants to wear them everyday!

Momma's little hero.

As Chris tell's me often during fall... "are you aware that I hate trees?"  No babe, you've never told me.
He doesn't actually hate trees, but he'll spend hours cleaning up the front and back yards and porches and within an hour you can't tell he's done anything.
This year, he recruited Landry.  But Landry decided that leaves he picked up needed to go into the flower pot!

Such a big helper

Landry's weird puppy

Okay, now for the Halloween goodness.
This is Landry seeing his halloween costume for the first time.  He was SO excited!

Thanks to my handy dandy Cricut, I added a little detail

Is she not the cutest little puppy?

Landry saw her and says "ahhh, puppy!"

Walking up to Grandma's

Seeing Keevan and Kaleb

Grampy being his goofy self.  Enough said.

Daddy and his girl

Grampy and his girl

Going to Trunk or Treat

Miss Ella eating a straw

Super Mario Kaden

Do you know how impossible it is to take a picture of an *almost* 2 year old and a 13 month old?

Ella's parents mistreat her.  Can't you tell?  Poor baby.  All she wanted was some Sugar Daddies.

This is Everett, Stacey and Ethen.  Chris and Everett work together at the station.  Ethen was so cute in his little skeleton outfit!!

I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween! 

Landry's birthday is coming up very fast !! Less than 2 weeks away!  I can't believe how big my baby is!


  1. Cutest fireman and puppy that I have ever seen.

  2. Landry is seriously so handsome! He has the sweetest little expressions in his pictures! Love the costumes!

  3. I had a great treat day. It was fun seeing the greatgrands trick or treat. The costumes were so cute on everyone. Ansley was so cute in her puppy suit and long ears. Landry sure could move his firetruck around good . Keevan and Kaleb were skeletons.They are such good boys and cute too. Looks like they all had a full fun day.Thanks for your visit.
