
Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Two day!!
I don't know what time these finally finished uploading, but when I got home, they were done!

These are just a few pictures here and there from the past few days!  There's no rhyme or reason to any of them!

Pretty baby girl

She loves her daddy!!

hahahaha!! I came home from the store Saturday and noticed Landry had his pants unbuttoned.  He had been outside while I was gone and Chris hadn't noticed.  So I took him into his room to change his diaper and lo and behold, he didn't have a diaper on!! It was outside!  Crazy kid.  Don't you love the buttcheek?!!

Nice outfit!


Finally a smile on camera!

Two of a kind

This needs no words. He's precious.

Daddy and his girl

Landry loves to hold his sissy!

I could just eat those two up!!


  1. Tori, You have provided me with great entertainment watching the cute pictures today. I am thrilled how much Landry can say words and understand what you ask him to do. He certainly likes his sister and speaks softly to her. The birthday invite is so cute. Glad you can spend precious time with them.

  2. Glad the other pictures appeared. My note I wrote above fits both times with the sweet times you got perfect scenes of the little ones. Ansley sure has pretty blue eyes and cute smile.

  3. Ansley has a pretty smile! Glad you caught it. Landry is a typical boy! He's going to be yelling 'Let's go streaking!' like Will Ferrel in Old School before you know it.

    I won't say anything about the fact that it's not even Thanksgiving and you have your blog done in Christmas I've got Holiday fever, too!

  4. The kids are both getting so big. Ansley has changed quite a bit since I last saw her.
