
Monday, August 9, 2010

Silly Boy

Once again, I've been slacking in the cute picture department, but I did get some this weekend!  Landry & his daddy went and got haircuts last week so they would look nice & not scare Ansley when she gets here!
Isn't he a stud?!
I know y'all are probably tired of looking at Landry running through the sprinklers, but he loves it and looks forward to the evenings when Chris gets home so he can play in them!
And yes, he MUST be naked in order to play in them.
If you don't take off his diaper, then he'll do it himself. 
*Don't worry, I bleeped out his man jewels*
Look at that hiney! 
Harli loves it just as much as Landry.  I think the cold water probably feels really good to her!
Being silly with his daddy
And this is Harli at the end of the day!  She just wears herself out!
Em & me went and picked up dinner last nite and Ella passed out in the car, so we put her in Ansley's room to nap.  This is how she sleeps!  Is that not the cutest thing?!

We've officially reached the countdown to baby Ansley being here! I no longer can speak in "week" terms, I'm down to only "days"!  Literally.  I try not to think about it much, because I start getting anxious.  I am REALLY looking forward to her being here, I just am not looking forward to the process of getting her here!  I know it'll all be fine though and soon we'll be a family of 4! (aka 6).... 

Hope everyone had a great weekend!


  1. Landry is so cute playing in the sprinklers. Not sure what you should call it; maybe either Sprinkler Streaking or Sprinkle dipping.
    I hope Chris keeps his pants on while playingin the sprinklers or maybe I should say thank you for not sharing photos of Chris if he doesn't. lol
    Can't wait for Ansley!

  2. Landry minds real good to not get his pants wet. He sure is having fun and not concerned about getting dirty. It does take to long for pants to dry out. His cute smile helps to show off his boy to man features.:) Tori glad Ansley will be entertaining us real soon. She is ready too,cause Landry is getting anxious to see his sister.

  3. I love Landry!

    Now about miss Ansley...As we say in our house, You got this! We will be cheering you on and praying for you from Austin. Wish we could be there. Love you all!

  4. mmmmmmmm I bet I could get at least 2" in him, far enough he gets to feel when icum
