
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Girly Goodness!

I didn't go to work today so I could get the house cleaned and everything finished up!
Mom came over this morning so the only thing left to do tonite is the wood floors and i'll do those after Landry leaves so I won't have little foot prints all over! :)

Mom has made SO much cute stuff for Miss Ansley, so I thought I'd show some of it off!  I know I've showed some of the blankets and stuff, but you'll just have to look at it again!
With Landry, she made me a bunch of flannel burp cloths, which I LOVED!
And this time she used cloth diapers for them, and I just think they turned out great!
I love all of them so much, I had a really hard time deciding which one's to pack in her hospital bag!

I know this isn't the best picture, but she made a name banner for her too! As much as I love the burp cloths, I think this might be my favorite! It turned out so cute!
The bottom two of these are the flannel blankets.  Landry has several of these, one that he has here, one for school, and one at Grammy & Grampy's.  He loves them, so I asked mom to make Ansley a few!
The top three are thin little receiving blankets that she embroidered!
This is her rag wreath! The only thing I did was tied all the ribbon on, then mom cut it and made her letter for it. At first, after I got the ribbon tied on, I was not impressed, but when it was all finished I really like the way it turned out!
I don't think I ever put the finished doors on here!  Don't they look great?!  I really didn't think new doors would make a difference, but I was totally wrong! I really think it might be one of the best things we've done in the house!
After I took some blanket pictures, Landry of course thought I had set them out for him!  So he had to wrap himself up and take a "nap!"  He loves to pretend like he's asleep!
Have you ever heard of a Nap Nanny?  I've been seeing them for awhile and finally decided I wanted one.  I know it's one of those things that is totally unnecessary, but it's also one of those things that I just had to divulge in! (not to mention it matches her room!) and Landry really likes to lay in it!
I also got this bouncer for her.  I have a swing and a vibrating chair from when Landry was a baby, but this is supposed to bounce and vibrate.  We'll see! I had a coupon for Babies R Us a while back and bought it with that!

That's about all I got today! Chris is at the station today but will be home later tonite! So Landry and me (and Harli) are just hanging out!

Thanks mom for ALL you've done for Ansley, I love everything and am so thankful for all you do for the kiddos. I can't wait to start using all her little goodies!

Diane, you have no idea how much I appreciate you even wanting to come up here to help! It means a lot to me for you to want to do that.  I also understand how crazy things are right now for you!  Hopefully everything will work out soon!

Kim, do y'all have Skype? If so, e-mail me your skype name or something so we can see each other when we chat!

Hope everyone has a fabulous day!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So pretty and girly! I love her room; you will have to post more on the nap nanny. They are expensive but I hear worth it! I'm so excited to see pictures; she's going to be beautiful! By the way, your mom should open a store on Etsy and sell those burp rags. They are super cute!

  3. The things your Mama has made for Miss Ansley are outstanding and so full of love. She will be blessed with everything she has need of even a big brother. Tomorrow is rushing to get here because it will always be her special day given to her from God.I,m praying for you and Chris as you hold your little sweetie for the the first time. Love to all the family.

  4. Love all the burp rags. I just got the monogram machine down from the shelf in the closet. I guess I should start making some things for Chloe. Wishing all the best tomorrow. I'll be waiting for the call from you mom.

  5. I love all her things! Looks like a lot of work but we all know it's worth it! We are so excited. Can't believe it's here!

    We don't do Skype but we might have to try it out...Mark's been asking about it. I'll let you know if we do...

    Sending Grantham love your way!

  6. I know you're really, really, ridiculously busy! Pretty please. lol

    I got on here today just to check your blog. Then I realized I'm rushing it a bit. ha ha.

    I know you are enjoying your new family of FOUR!
