
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sugar & Spice

We're home! And now we are a family of four! 

 I have a ton of pics to share and I've been working on the pictures for hours now, and they are so out of order!! I don't know what is wrong with my blogger, but it just randomly put pictures here and there and the only place it moves them to is the very bottom.  So these are all over the place!

Ansley Dawn was born August 11th @ 8:17am
9.67 lbs. and 19.5 inches long!

Our big baby girl won the nursery award for the largest baby while we were there!

This was early Wednesday morning before we left for the hospital
yep, I'm huge!
Em came up and waited with us
Daddy coming out of surgery
Pretty baby girl Wednesday afternoon
My friend Savanna
Grampy and his granddaughter!
Told ya these were out of order!
Landry on Tuesday evening leaving to go stay at Grammy & Grampy's.  He loves his backpacks!

We learned very quickly that family pictures just aren't gonna happen! Do you see Landry in this one? He's "sleeping"...
At least he's looking at the camera in this one!
Yep, that was it for family pictures that day!
Landry really didn't want much to do with Ansley on Wednesday, but Thursday he couldn't get enough of her!
He was napping with her! This is his favorite pretend thing to do.
Grammy with her granddaughter
Proud Uncle Terry
My super cute door hangar Katelyn made for Ansley, I seriously got SO many compliments on it!
Getting dressed to go home yesterday
We wanted a picture of the 4 of us before we left.  I put quite a few on here, none of them are very good, but I wanted y'all to see Landry's facial expressions.  He's seriously so funny.
If you've ever had a c-section, you know how much it hurts to laugh.  Well, I got to laughing so hard, I thought I was going to die!
Going home outfit
My beautiful flowers Landry got for me in the hospital
Once again, way out of order!
Right after being born
Big Daddy got to cut the cord!
First family picture! It almost worked!
Once again, sorry all the pictures are so crazy.  We're doing good so far and enjoying being home!  I have many more pictures so I'll try to post some more soon!


  1. Thanks for sharing all the photos. Ansley is adorable. Love the photo where Landry is "sleeping". He is learning early to "sleep" so he doesn't have to do things. Just like a guy. :) lol
    Whoever made you laugh needs to be lynched. I know what if feels like and you expect your incision to split open and your guts to spill out. ugh! The problem is once you start laughing even though it hurts it makes you laugh more. :\
    Take good care of yourself and hopefully I'll get to see Ansley before too long.

  2. Glad you called me to come over today to see and get to hold Ansley. She is beautiful and slept the entire time I was holding her. Landry was busy with his tools and hugging his dog. They are both very adorable children from nice looking parents. The pictures tell a great story about the beginning of Ansley's life.

  3. We are so in love with her and can't wait to see what all Landry does next. He will keep you on your toes.
    Diane, Landry was the reason of her about to die. He had us all laughing at everything he was doing while trying to take the pictures.

  4. Pictures!!! You and Ansley look beautiful! Of course, your boys look handsome too;) i'm so excited for you guys. Glad Landry is in good spirits! Haha. What a ham.

  5. Congrtulatios. She is beautiful. I love the outfit you brought her home in.

  6. mmmmmmmmmmm I LOVE newborn pus-yand hers is a beauty love to get a taste
