
Monday, August 2, 2010

Little Fishes

We enjoyed a little pool time last night!  Em, Aaron and the kids joined Landry and me since Chris was working.  We had a great time!

The little love birds
Precious Miss Ella

Sorry that's all I have!  Been running a little slow around here!

Also, Klassie came to the shop this morning so I got a little video of her and Harli playing.  Harli loves seeing Klassie!  I'm not so sure Klassie feels the same!

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!


  1. I just have to say that I'm a bit jealous! I know being pregnant is not always enjoyable, per se. BUT it must feel fantastic to be in the pool!! That's all I could think about once I hit the eighth month (or so) mark...sorry. These pics just remind me of that.:) Hope you're hanging in there. I think about you daily.

  2. A really sweet picture of you and Landry with loving smiles. The clock is running and Ansley is ready to make her entry and join in the family and meet her big brother. She will be very special to everyone.

  3. There's nothing like a relaxing afternoon in the pool. Glad you had time to enjoy.
