
Monday, July 26, 2010

The Faces of a Happy Child!

Big Daddy had Friday off from the station, so him and Landry had a daddy day!  I've said how much Landry LOVES tools, it's more like an obsession.  See the drill to the right side of the pic?  That's Landry's drill.  Seriously.  Chris charges it for him and everything so it'll "work".  Majority of the time though, he still wants his daddy's.  We finally got a little "tool belt" from Lowes the other nite and he loves to be able to put all his tools in there.  Mom said for his 2nd birthday we could do a tools party, but we'd have to specify on the invites that if someone brought a gift it would have to be bought at Lowes, Home Depot, or the tool dept. at WalMart!  The kid is not satisfied with children's "play" tools.
Anywho, Landry's daddy is a slave driver and they worked non stop ALL. WEEKEND. LONG!!
Friday they took all the hardware off the door frames and finished working on the doors that had been put up already.  Saturday they finished hanging all my new doors!! And yesterday they painted the trim in our bedroom!  Whew, notice that I had no partaking in any of this?  hehe.

Saturday evening we were all outside playing and Landry kept trying to take off his diaper, now sometimes we let him run around naked outside so Chris took his diaper off.  Big Mistake.  He had a surprise in there!  We both got the giggles while I ran inside to get wipes.  After getting him cleaned up, I went inside to finish dinner dishes when my child came in dressed like this.
Daddy made his own diaper with paint rags! (And yes, they were new).  I thought it was hilarious!  And the first picture?  That's what Landry does most of the time when you tell him to smile!

I guess my two "boys" got hot yesterday afternoon because the next thing I know, they're both running through the sprinklers!  Landry loves the sprinklers!  Just look at his face throughout the pictures.  Pure joy. 
I came back inside to work on some blankets for miss Ansley and once again, my child came inside like this.  This time they decided he needed "suspenders".  Oh my y'all, I promise we're not white trash, but I think it's just too funny.
Landry (with a little bit of Grammy's help!) made this last week for Ansley's nursery.  They turned his handprints into flowers!  Is it not the most precious thing?  I love it!
These were my projects yesterday.  I have a lot of minky material, so I made 2 more blankets and another taggie.  Sorry the picture stink, I took them on my phone to show mom.
Taggie and matching blanket.

Ansley update:  Seeing as how I go to the doctor weekly now, I had an appt. last week!  We had a quick little sono in the office to get some measurements and her position.  She's head down now (kinda) with her bottom on my left side and hands/feet on my right side.  She measured a little over 39 weeks (um, eesh since I was only 36)  and weighed in at 7.5 lbs.  Doctor Robert said I may not make it to her birthday!  We shall see!  I certainly hope she does, i'm still not ready yet....

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! 


  1. My nephew Logan is all about the real tools, no fake ones for that kid. Cute pictures. I love the wall hanging witht the handprint flowers.

  2. I think you found a halloween costume. He looks like Tarzan in those paint rags!! Super cute. Love the blankets!

  3. Landry may take after his Uncle Terry. He was always working on projects with his Daddy too. Chris will have a great helper at his side. Landry will help a lot with Ansley. He seems to like to stay busy. He is a treasure and a very goodlooking boy. I am getting anxious to see my great granddaughter.

  4. Love the suspenders!! ha!!! I am making Ansley some onesies with an "A: on them. I will ship them to you if you will give me your address in an email! You are so stinkin talented with your blankets!

  5. love to have a feel of his lil dicklet
