
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Cousins, T-Ball & Iphone dump

This is going to be complete picture overload- so don’t say I didn’t give you fair warning!  I’ll just sum up the past month in one long post and get it all out of the way!

We were lucky enough to get to spend a few days with Chloe (and Kim & Diane!), the kids had a blast even though Chloe was terrified of Landry!

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Landry is signed up to play wee t-ball this year, so we had to get him some gear to start practicing with.   I have a hilarious video, but as usual I can’t get youtube to be even remotely fast.  Let’s just say Ansley does not like to wait her turn.

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Landry working with daddy one day.  He loved riding in the lift until Big Daddy started going up and Landry changed his mind!

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Chris also stayed busy cutting down trees! My favorite tree was looking pretty pathetic after having so many limbs broke from snow and ice last year, it was time for it to go.  The dead one’s out front also got the axe. 

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A few of my BUNCO girls sportin’ our new shirts!

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Spoiled girls

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Our silly boy

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Big Daddy got me a Dyson for Mother’s Day!  This is what came up after I vacuumed with my old vac first and then with my Dyson!  Gross huh?!

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Harli is lazy as usual

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We celebrated Mother’s Day at the kids school

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Ansley got her first manicure!

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Landry dressed himself  in his sister’s dress (I also have a funny video of this!)

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They kids were super excited to see some old toys getting ready for a garage sale!

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And I got to test an overall pattern!  I think it turned out cute!

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Whew! That was a lot- props to you if you actually made it through all of that!

Hope  you have a great day!


  1. We were so glad to spend time with y'all. Please come to ATX soon. The second picture is hilarious. It looks like Landry is about to run Chloe wonder she was afraid of him. haha.

    Landry looks so pretty in his dress ;) I remember forcing Josh to wear dresses. You'll have to put it in his senior year book someday. ha.

    Oh, and totally jealous of your vacuum.

  2. I had a great time seeing my greatgrands having a whale of a good time together. You really showed some fun time they had at your house. Oh,what a laugh to see Landry in his dress. I am sure Chris will teach him to be a good ball player. Ansley will make a good cheerleader. Chloe looked pleased being with her cousin.
