
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mountain Getaway

We got back from a nice 4 day getaway to the mountains on Sunday.  We had gorgeous weather and an overall great time! Now prepare yourself for a major picture overload.

Friday morning as we were getting out and about, there was a fine snow blowing around and all around the sun was an incredible rainbow.  I had to adjust it a lot to show up in the picture, but it was amazing.

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We decided to rent Landry some ski’s and let him play around the cabin and try to get the hang of it a little.  We honestly never thought he’d even put them on, more or less love them, but he proved us wrong and absolutely loved it!

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This might be my new favorite pic.

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I know they’re hard to see, but the field was full of elk on our way home from dinner

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And a few deer

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Saturday morning the community center was having a Breakfast with Santa that we took the kids to.  It didn’t turn out to be much, but Landry got to do a few crafts and see Santa, so that’s all that mattered.

When we got there, there was only 2 other kids, so they had fun dancing with this guy.

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Eating a few goodies before the guy in red showed up

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Saying hi to Ansley.  Landry didn’t really want anything to do with him, except to wave and the Santa didn’t really pay attention to the kids much so we left soon after.

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The rest of the day was spent playing outside again

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More elk

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We kept seeing this guy around the cabin all weekend.  I wish I would’ve got a picture of him out of the trees so you could see his rack, it was huge!  I think Chris said he had 11 points, but the height and width on them was pretty impressive.

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I had to get a picture of these gorgeous trees covered in ice on the way home.  Aren’t they pretty?

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Then we had to come back to reality! 

Ansley had tubes put in on Wednesday and did great! Hopefully that’ll clear up all her ear infections finally.

Christmas is in 10 days! Can you believe it?  Always remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.


  1. I am jealous of the snow pictures. Here is Ohio, all we have had is mud and rain. Looks like you had lots of fun on your winter wonderland adventure.

  2. Looks like y'all had a great time. Love to look at the photos of the snow but honestly don't miss the icy roads that go with it. Landry is going to be out-skiing everyone before long. Y'all have a Merry Christmas!!!

  3. Real nice pictures Tori. I have always loved snow. The children are going to always love the montains. Glad you have a nice cabin. Santa must have had too many toys to make. Glad Ansley did alright with the surgery.
