
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Happy Holidays!

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything, so I thought I’d add some pictures from the last few weeks.  Between both kids and me, we’ve been sick for a month off and on, so we haven’t really been doing anything of value!

We took the kids to take pictures a few weeks ago, I won’t share the one we used for our card!


They did really well for approximately 3 minutes and then the rest looked like this!  I did get several that I’m crazy about though!

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Since Landry’s birthday was cancelled, he’s been getting his presents randomly!  Em and the kids came over and gave him a CARS pully bag and TONS of CARS cars! He was in heaven! And we had to open them all immediately!

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We took Terry and Trissa’s pictures last week and it just so happened that my kids wanted their picture taken (weird, I know.  Never happens when you need it too!).  I am in LOVE with this picture!


I love this one!

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Love these boys!

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Also took Savanna’s family pics.  I think they turned out pretty good too.

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All in all, we’re just like everyone else trying to get ready for the holidays! 

Please keep Ansley in your prayers as she is getting tubes on the 14th of this month.  After having 6 infections in her left ear alone (not including right ear infections or doubles) the ENT and us agreed it’s best to do it now instead of waiting any longer.

Hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful holiday season!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to get the great pictures of family and friends. Landry and Ansley were really getting after the CARS. I cann't wait to see the Christmas picture you have picked out this year of Landry and Ansley. They take good pictures. Keevan and Kaleb are so good looking in their pictures too.
