
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Oh, Back to School…

back to school, to prove to dad that I’m not a fool. (Anybody know what movie that’s from??)

Does anyone remember this little guy last June starting his first day of “school”?  He’s so little!

Well, he started his new school today!  We chose one a little closer to work for this year.  On Tuesdays, they have a music class where a lady here in town comes in and teaches a class and on Thursdays they have a Movement Class.  They teach them about their muscles and they stretch and they learn and do all sorts of new things with their bodies.

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Showing me his “muscles”

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He was really excited about school until we actually got there.  It pretty much went downhill after that, so this is the only picture we got before we went in.

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And this is after!

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They said he had a fantastic day (only cried for a minute or two after we left), played great, was really sweet to the other kids and ate all of his lunch!  He was in a great mood and anytime I ask him if he had a good day, he says “oh, yes!”

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Hopefully he’ll get over the fear he has of me leaving him somewhere.  Here’s to a great “school year”!

PS- If you guessed Billy Madison – you’d be correct! What a great movie!


  1. It will be a good year for our little man. He likes to try new things and to be with friends. He may even be a helper to his new friends and teacher. He looks happy with his sweet smiles.

  2. He looks so grown up! Have a good school year, Landry.

    Oh, and "Conditioner is better. It goes on second and leaves the hair silky and smooth!." Love that movie!
