
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mountain Fun

Landry has learned lately to love the camera- so now when he see’s me get it out, he says “oh, mama take my picture!” So pretty much the only pics I got while in the mountains were of him posing!

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I really want a cute picture of the kids together, so I made Chris try to help me pretty much every nite!  Landry usually tried to choke his sister and she usually just tried to lick her brother…

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We had great weather all weekend, it was in the 40’s on Sunday and rained off and on all day and the other days it usually stayed in the 60’s.  We had a great time!


  1. Great pictures. No way to pick a favorite one. They will cherish these someday. Glad you enjoyed your trip. Good looking little ones and dressed for a good time. I am so proud of all of you.

  2. looks like you had a fun time. I went hiking this weekend with it foggy and its was just amazing in the forest up here. colorado that is.

  3. Your children are just gorgeous! What a wonderful photo shoot you had! Isn't it so much fun capturing them at every age and stage? : ) Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog- I tend to shop for vintage clothes at thrift stores. I have the best luck finding unique pieces in places like that. I love finding costume jewelery and a perfectly worn in pair of jeans, but I also love Forever 21 and TJ Maxx. : ) Thanks for stopping by! You made my day!

  4. They really are sweet children. You have a wonderful family. I hope you all have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary
