
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Silly kids

Ansley is finally into eating snacks! Before recently, she was NOT a fan of puffs or anything else that involved feeding herself.  Yesterday I bought some “crunchies” and she instantly fell in love! So all day yesterday and today she’s really enjoyed getting some snack time in!

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By the time Ansley and me got home yesterday morning from Target  and the doc (sis has an ear infection), Landry & Big Daddy had made a trip to Lowe’s and Landry brought home a little something new.

That’s right, it’s a real drill (with drill bits & everything) that’s made for children.  I guess it wasn’t enough that he has his daddy’s “old” one, he had to have his very own straight from the box.  Spoiled much?! 

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We probably shouldn’t talk about how he unscrewed the screws in the sheetrock in the garage yesterday or tried to take apart the back doors this afternoon.

I wanted to take some pictures for Ansley’s 8 month photos today so I asked Landry if he’d take a few pics with her.  For once, he was fine with changing clothes – until he decided that over his nice collared shirt, he was going to wear his fireman jacket.  So before sister joined in the pictures  I asked Landry to sit down for me but instead of getting just him, he wanted Harli in them. 

Obviously Harli doesn’t cooperate very well.


And she wasn’t really that into being dressed up in bunny ears.


These are the only semi-decent pics of the little miss I got, so I figure I’ll try again in a few days for her monthly birthday.


Ansley is so obsessed with Landry I can’t even get her to look at me when he’s around. She LOVES him.  It’s a little ridiculous that I’m jealous that she laughs for him and not me… oh well.


Pretty girl

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She needed a close up!

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Hope everyone has a fabulous week!

1 comment:

  1. What a good picture day. I adore the clothes Ansley is wearing. She looks so pretty in all the pictures. Landry and sister are so cute. Poor Harli not sure what is taking place with his buddy. He is perfect for Landry. Ansley sure was happy with the new snack. Bet it was fun seeing her go after the treat she got.
