
Monday, April 11, 2011

8 Months

Ansley Dawn, you are 8 months old today!

8 months 019

So pretty girl, what have you been up to?

8 months 043

When I took you to the doc on Saturday, you weighed 19.25 lbs (although that was with you dressed & shoes on, so that’s not truly accurate!)

You are still wearing size 3 diapers.

You can still fit in some of your 6-9 month clothing, but majority of your clothes are 9 months and dresses are 12 months (like the one in these pics!)

8 months 014

You have 2 teeth!! And they are sharp!

8 months 018-1

You still eat 2 “meals” a day, along with snacks now.

You are sleeping much better! You usually go down around 8-8:30, wake up once during the night (knock on wood) and get up in the mornings anywhere from 7 to 8:30.  Mornings depend on what time your brother wakes up.  The first thing he does is run to your room yelling “hey Ansley” or “RRROOOAAARRRR!”  Crazy boy.

8 months 020-1

You sleep on your stomach.  You have no interest in your back anymore.  As soon as we lay you down anywhere you immediately roll over to your belly.

8 months 021-1

You still love your jumper.  Sometimes I don’t see how you don’t jump right out of it you can bounce so high!

8 months 024-1

You make THE funniest faces.  I think sometimes you do them just to make us laugh!

8 months 026

You are SO close to crawling! You get up on all fours and rock as fast as you can.  You can scoot and wiggle to get where you want to go though and I think it’s a matter of days before  you take off!

8 months 028

Have I mentioned that you’re growing up too fast?

8 months 049

It really feels like yesterday when we were blessed by you being born and now we are only 4 months away from your 1st birthday!

8 months 029

I think you are just the most precious thing ever in the world (besides your brother!) and I don’t know what we did without you!

8 months 040

And as shocking as it is, your brother is by far your favorite person still!  You LOVE him.  He’s really into taking pictures with you now, but when you tell him to smile, he does this…

8 months 056

Baby girl, we love you so much!  You are at such a fun age, you learn new things every day and have such a wonderful personality.  You truly completed our family and we are so blessed by you and your brother!

8 months 019

Happy 8 month birthday baby girl!  We Love You!


  1. These are the cutest pics!! Your kids are adorable!!! I can NOT believe Landry did so good with his surgery!!!!!

  2. Miss Ansley is really celebrating her special day with the sweetest and cutest smiles and grins. She looks so cute in her denim dress. Landry and her are so adorable together. If she was older you would think they were twins. I like all the pictures.

  3. I love these pictures of her! Happy 8 months! Also, if that's wrapping paper you used for the backdrop...I have the same stuff! great minds...

  4. BEAUTIFUL pictures! She is such a doll, love the sweet update
