
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

No Rhyme or Reason

I’m just gonna throw a little of everything in this – so be warned!

Here are a few pics off my phone from recently…

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Ansley enjoying the warm clothes straight from the dryer

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Can you believe she used to fit in his seat?

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Our attempt at a family walk

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I got two camera apps on my phone, so I’ve been playing with them a little.  (Hipstamatic *thanks Kim!* and Instagram)

We caught the two love birds coloring in bed

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This precious thing is starting to get up on all fours!

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Nap time

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Ansley’s first shoulder ride – notice the death grip on Landry’s hair!

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Ella found all of Landry’s play glasses last nite.  Such a little diva!

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Then we found her in Landry’s drawer wiping her nose (with EVERY single wipe!!) Silly girl.

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On a side note- if you think of it, say a quick prayer for us tomorrow.  Landry is having tubes put in and his adnoids out.  We’re really hoping it helps with his horrible allergies and his ear problems.  It’s supposed to be a relatively quick surgery (around 45 minutes), but that doesn’t make it any easier.  So, I’d really appreciate it if you’d keep him in your thoughts.  Thanks!


  1. Hope all goes well with the surgery. Prayers coming your way.

  2. I second my mom's comment. I'll get in touch with you today to find out how it went. Love y'all.

    Cute photos. Love the iphone app ones.

  3. I called Devonn as soon as I got home from getting my perm this morning. Landry not home yet. Prayers are the best kind of healing there is. Hope he will be doing real good soon.

  4. The pictures are wonderful. Thanks for the time you spend on them for all to see. I love them and look forward to more of them. I'm the luckest great grandma with the best looking kiddos. My grandchildren are also good looking. Yes, I am very proud of them all and helped spoil them just a little:).
