
Thursday, March 31, 2011


We finally got to meet Chloe! We enjoyed getting to spend a little time with Kim, Chloe, & Shorty for a few days!  I have a whole lot of pictures, so I figured this would be the best way!

These don’t even need words…

2011-03-27 chloe





2011-03-29 chloe

Landry loved getting to show Chloe his car

2011-03-29 chloe1

Dinner with the whole fam

2011-03-29 chloe2

2011-03-29 chloe3

2011-03-29 chloe4

Trying to take pictures from 2 different cameras at the same time, obviously we got a good chuckle out of it.

2011-03-29 chloe5

We had a really fun time getting to hang out, even if it wasn’t for very long!  It was SO NICE finally getting to love on Chloe!  Not to mention getting to spend a little time with Kim and Diane! 


  1. Love all the photos. You have a bunch that I don't have. You need to upload them to a share site on shutterfly so I can get copies.
    We certainly enjoyed the short time we were there. Your kids are growing so fast. Hopefully y'all can come this summer to spend some time in the south.

  2. I second my mom's comment. Do you have a share site? If not, you could always use ours. Sooo glad you got pictures of your dad holding Chloe. I thought about that when we were on our way back to Austin. I really wish we could have gotten some of Chloe with Keevan and Kaleb. I can't believe I forgot my camera at dinner.

  3. I belive everyone enjoyed the kin folks spending time together. It was a quick trip and a fast trip for Diane,Kim,and Chloe. It was hard to see them leave. Thanks for the calls. The pictures are so good Tori. Glad you got so many. I am very proud of my family.
