
Tuesday, March 8, 2011


This is going to be the most random-est post ever.  You've been warned.

Last week while it was so nice outside we tried to get the cousin's picture.... again.

Out of 73 pictures, here are the best ones...

And my all time favorite picture ever...
The same evening, sister and I headed to Savanna's to take baby Kinslee's pictures!
She rolled all over the place!
I'm not sure when she learned the Popeye face

Here are a few of Kinslee's newborn pics.  She wanted to stay awake the whole time!

This is how we found Landry sleeping the other nite when he was supposed to be in bed
And this is what he put on the other nite after bathtime... (his daddy will love this!)

This is what happens when your 2 year old and his dog play in your room.
I would love to know how they managed this

And finally- I'll give you a few sneak peaks in the kitchen remodel!!
Here's my new refrigerator / pantry cabinet
Looking into the pantry (minus doors)
Woowwww Weeeeeee!
All of these are from last week, so there's been more progress since then!
After a huge problem with the floors, they are finally fixed and finished (hopefully- knock on wood).  All the new cabinet doors and drawers have been built, now everything just needs to be completed!  It has made such a drastic difference, I can't wait  to see the final product!!

Whew.  That was all over the place!  Did anyone actually make it to the end?


  1. Love,love,love the newborn pictures. Can't wait to see the finished kitchen, I bet it is going to look great.

  2. I did make it to the end!! Not too random for me. I'm curious how the curtain rod came loose too. Love what you are doing to the kitchen.

  3. You are so talented!! Loved the newborn pictures, and your kids are just the cutest. Loved the picture of Landry's hiney walking around in flip flops. That will be priceless when he's in high school. Your one good momma for sure!

  4. Glad the work is nearing completion. Hope you can find where everything belongs. Chris has done a good job (working several jobs). It will be a nice kitchen to enjoy for your family.

  5. I made it! Kitchen's looking fabulous and good work on the photos.
