
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Man's Best Friend

I guess I should say "little boys best friend"

I thought I'd share some pics off my phone of Landry & Harli (or as he calls her, Haweey).

I had to include this one just cause I love they way they have the same expression...

Landry always makes sure to cover Harli up first, then himself

I'll have to make a post sometime of all their pictures, they are seriously too cute together.  As crazy as she makes me, I really don't believe there is a better dog for a little boy.  They are perfect for one another!


  1. How sweet and full of memories these pictures will always be to an adorable young boy and his FOREVER FRIEND. Hope it can bring smiles to all who will ever see it. Landry has a loving heart for his pet.

  2. I love that dog simply because I love the way they seem to be together in the is so precious.

  3. I have to agree with you...those 2 are perfect for one another.

  4. This is so sweet! Since I am pregnant with my first right now, I have been daydreaming of how my baby will grow with my first big baby ( our lab ). These pictures sure fill my heart with smiles!! Great post, thanks for sharing.

  5. okay these pictures are seriously some of the cutest ones I have ever seen!!

  6. These pictures are too fun!! There is just something so cute about children & their pets. :) Thanks bunches for stopping by and becoming a new follower.

  7. These pictures are way too adorable!! My daughter is the same way with our dog :)
    Thanks so much for checking out my blog and commenting on my chicken lettuce wraps!
    Have a great day!


  8. Unbelievably adorable!! We just lost our sweet dog last week and it makes me so happy to see a little boy enjoying and loving his doggy so much!! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog!
