
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Grammy’s Camera

Since my camera was out of commission for a bit – I borrowed mom’s and thought I better get some other pictures off of it as well.

Landry trying to fix Ansley’s ride

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Sister sometimes has a hard time with the puffs.  She usually wears more than what actually make it in her mouth

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Silly girl

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Landry showing off his new Easter shirts

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Ansley’s new pillowcase dress

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See my beautiful new brick floor? What you don’t see is all the one’s that are cracked and shattered.  Yep – they’re totally screwed up a.g.a.i.n.  This time they’re going to completely tear up my brand new floor and start over.  Oh JOY! What a nightmare.

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Another sneak peek…

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The kiddo’s playing

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Up next I’ll share pic’s of our “Family Day” we had on Friday!


  1. Oh how sweet. You can totally tell how much Ansley loves her brother! Those puffs are funny they are like little velcro crackers. Have you tried them?

  2. Great pictures. It truly brings joy to my heart as I see my sweet Greatgrands enjoying one another. They are so adorable.
