
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Family Day

Big Daddy and I both took Friday off so we could have a family day! We started out with breakfast at IHOP, visited the zoo, and went to the Discovery Center.  It was a beautiful day and we all had a lot of fun!

Prepare yourself for a TON of pictures! *lucky for you I narrowed it down to a quarter of how many I took!*


Arriving at the zoo

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First stop, monkeys!

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Landry showing us what monkey’s do

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Trying to get a closer look

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What’s a Texas zoo without a steer?

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Gorgeous tiger

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We got a really good up close shot of the lion.  He was not happy about the tiger being across from him. He kept pacing back and forth staring at him.

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One of the bears

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Wallaby (sp?)

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Bobcat – Landry liked this one.  He kept saying “oh, kitty!” “meeeow, meeeoww”

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I’m not sure what this little creature was, but I felt so sad for him.  He just paced back and forth over about a 2 1/2 foot distance.  I think he was depressed.

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Checking out the reptile’s

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From there we went to the Discovery Center

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Right now they have a dinosaur exhibit.  Landry was NOT a fan!  It was really quite comical, as evil as that it!

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This would be him running from them!

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Landry did however really love pushing sister’s stroller!

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Daddy and Landry playing the giant guitar

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Like I said, we had a really great time – even though our zoo is kinda pathetic and Landry was a little young for the Discovery Center, I’d totally do everything again!  It was so nice getting to spend the day with each other!


On another note, Sav brought Kinslee over the other day to take her 1 month pictures.  Obviously Landry had other plans…

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But we did get some of her!

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Hope everyone  has a fantastic weekend! I’m looking forward to the next few days!!  I get to finally meet a pretty little girl I’ve been wanting to for a LONG time!! (And I get to see her momma and Shorty!) WOOHOOO!!!


  1. How neat to go to the zoo and see animals not in a picture book. I bet Landry really got his heart rate up. Ansley enjoyed the nice ride with brothers help. Enjoyed the pictures and remembered the times we spent taking our girls to see the zoos in other cities.

  2. Hey there! So I'm dying to get my kids to the zoo. We've heard the Waco one is great! How do you like your 50mm?! I just saw your post on that!

    after a TON of research I ended up getting the D700 and I just love it! :)

  3. We had so much fun with y'all! Glad we got to see all the kiddos again and meet Miss Ansley! The zoo looks like it's gotten better since I was last there. When did they get lions and tigers?
