
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snow Day!

We FINALLY got decent snow today!
After last week with our wind chills in the negative 20's, it was nice to see the white stuff this morning!
Before we get to the snow pics...

Little miss has decided that the perfect place for naps is in her bouncer. Everytime she's in it, she falls asleep. It's hard work being a baby!

Everything on the living room side of the remodel is done. The kitchen side? Not so much.  The cabinet guy we were going to use was SUPER slow in coming to measure, then SUPER slow in getting us a price - then quoted us an INSANE amount of money for the little we needed done.  So Big daddy built the frame for the new bottom cabinet yesterday! I'm still not sure why he didn't just do that from the beginning...
See the brown boxes? That's my pantry / pots & pans!

Bam-Bam came over to play shovel snow with Landry earlier this afternoon

I always see Landry as such a big boy; but then I see this pic of his sweet little hand and it reminds me just how little he is.


He was loving it!

After Bam-Bam threw him in the snow

Trying to teach him the joys of a snowball fight

Making Harli actually touch the snow

Pure joy through a child's eyes

Crazy dog hates the snow!'
Hope everyone is staying warm!


  1. Very nice and impressive article you have posted. Its very helpful, i have read and bookmark this site and will recommend it to more other peoples.

  2. Ansley is having sweet dreams and I wish I could join her. She is a darling little angel. The kitchen will be completed before you can say "I wish I had thought of that sooner". Landry is not too sure the snow is fun nor is Harly. But give them another few years and don't turn your back on them. He is a goodlooking little youngster with a cute smile.

  3. Glad you got snow and not me...hehe.
