
Friday, February 11, 2011

6 Months

Sweet baby girl, you are 6 months old today!!
So, what have you been up to lately?
You wear size 3 diapers
Most of your clothes are 6-9 months
You go to your 6 month well check on Tuesday, so I'll know how much you weigh then

You can roll both ways but still have NO intentions of sitting up on your own.
You also will not put your legs down to stand up.  You just keep them tucked under your hiney.
(I'm not sure why you're flaring your nostrils in this one, I promise your nose isn't this big usually, Grammy says it looks like you're smelling a dirty diaper)

You still have zero teeth!
You talk alot. All day. Loudly.
It's the most precious sound ever.

You're still nursing about 4-5 times during the day (and maybe 1-2 times during the night).
You're starting to eat usually 2 meals, one at lunch time and one at dinner.
You do not like the green veggies or carrots but are a fan of sweet potatoes and squash.

You have an attitude (I know, I wonder where she gets this from?)
You like to be held & majority of the time get your way but since you're so cuddly, I don't mind.

You're still waking up 2 times during the night, but lately I think it has more to do with the fact you roll over and it makes you mad.
You LOVE your bouncer.  Usually you even take a nap in it in the afternoons.

You still are CRAZY about your brother.  If you can find him in the room, you are staring at him and laughing. You also love if he'll sit beside you so you can pull on him. 
I hope ya'll will always be close, cause he is definitely your favorite person now!
We love you Ansley and have enjoyed every moment of the last 6 months!
We can't wait to see how you keep changing and growing, I cannot believe you are half way to being a year old!  We are so blessed by you and your brother, we are so lucky!

Happy half year birthday baby girl!


  1. I want to see that cutie in real life! Happy half birthday, Ansley!

  2. 6 months already...time really flies! She looks so much like Landry. The are both adorable!

  3. It is so true she and Landry look so much alike. She has a sweet smile. She has lots of time to start doing her movearounds. She is a happy baby with lots of spare time to celebrate each new day of her life.

  4. I can't believe she is already 6 months!! Your babies are precious!!! Too cute!

  5. Love reading your posts, neat to kind of think of what to expect for Emery at that age. Makes me sad to think she's 6 months old and I almost have a 5 monther. Seems to be flying by a bit too fast! Your such a good momma!!
