
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Workout Girls

Does anyone remember this picture? hehe, I still love this one of the girls!

So when I saw miss Chloe's picture in her workout gear, I knew we had to share this one!
They're destined to be friends!

Hard Work and Misery

We had lots of work around here yesterday!  They poured our concrete at 10 yesterday morning! Chris' cousin Rene' brought her 2 kiddo's over and let me tell you how much help Landry & Collin were!  Notice Landry has his ears covered? The concrete truck was pulling up.

They were transfixed with the truck!

This little man is Quinn!  He's 4 months old and has already had 2 heart surgeries!
He's a strong willed big guy and is doing great so far!  I was SO happy to finally get to meet him!
 Here's where the fun began!
 The boys figured out that they could play in Uncle Terry's cooler...
 They were so funny together.  Since Rene's been in Dallas for so long with Quinn, we haven't got to spend time together in months.  The boys had so much fun (even if they had a couple of push down fights !! )
 Almost finished! The boys only walked in it a few times!
 As did Harli...

As for misery?
This is what I've been doing all day...
 Along with snuggling a lot with this little man.  (this was the 1st nap he took like this this morning and he took another for almost 2 hours this afternoon in the same position.)
My child seriously has THE.WORST.ALLERGIES.
So for months out of the year he is congested, snotty nosed, and coughing.  I'm pretty sure allergies plus a bug = OMG ewwwww.
This morning we were on our way to "school" when he threw up..... YUCK.
It continued down hill from there.  However, it only lasted for about 5 hours and so far this afternoon he's been great!  So I don't know if it was all the mucus or what...
Needless to say, school didn't happen! Grammy provided us with lots of gatorade, clorox wipes and chicken noodle soup & Uncle Terry provided Pedialyte!

We spent the morning water coloring! 
 This was one of his masterpieces.  I know, you want an autograph right?!
 Isn't he a stud in his pj's and houseshoes?  Love that kid!
Let's hope that he's the only one of us who get this "thing!" 
Hope your day is better than ours!! :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Momma's SO mean!

Chris & I celebrated our 5 year anniversary on Friday!  He had to work at the station though, so we actually celebrated Thursday!  Grammy & Grampy watched the kiddo's so we went and ate at Texas Roadhouse and enjoyed some Coldstone ice cream!
My beautiful flowers!
As i've disclosed before....
**No children were harmed during the following**

I asked Landry last week if he wanted to hold sister, so he sat on the couch and put his arm out.  It's pretty bad when I have to try to trick him into taking pictures!  Needless to say, it went downhill FAST!

Believe me, I spared you from the horrible one's of both of them screaming!  I really think someone would've turned me in by the way they looked.

Landry got put on breathing treatments... that's no fun.

We went Saturday to try and get a family picture.  Didn't work...
The first 12 pictures look like this.  There was a squirrel to the right just standing on the sidewalk staring at us and Landry kept squeeling and pointing.
 I did get some cute one's of the boys

 This is Landry telling us no more.  This is also when Big Daddy told me that the poor kid is tired of getting his picture taken, and that ever since I got my camera he's had it in his face!  (I've had my camera 13 months now and taken right at 6000 pictures... surely he's not tired of having his picture taken?...)

I like this one, but Ansley has some funky face goin' on.

If you notice a pattern, Landry hardly EVER will look even towards the camera.
I have about 20-25 of this pose where he's staring off behind Chris.

This one's good

Silly boys.

I seriously love this kid.  As onery as he is, he rocks my world.

Since the boys had their picture taken, so did the girls. 
This is right as we were going to leave.  I think she was tired of pictures too.  I promise I'm not pinching her.

Landry kept wanting to wrestle.  Does he not realize we're taking pictures???

Little susy homemaker came out to play again.
I found some on sale material at HobLob the other day and wanted Ansley to have a Halloween outfit.  I've also been wanting her to have some pillowcase dresses, so I finally made some!  They're not sellable quality or anything, but I think they turned out cute!
I promise they look better in person, and when they're hung on her size hangers they hang straight instead of lopsided and crooked.  But you get the gist.

Recognize this one?  Yep, it's what she wore for our family pictures!!
Hopefully with some practice they'll look better! 

Chris and Landry worked in the yard all weekend so we can pour some (by we, I in no part mean me...) concrete and extend our  patio.  So we (once again...Chris) converted our manual sprinkler system into an automatic one!  Our friends Em & Aaron came over so Aaron could wire it, and Jaime and the kids came over to!
So we had a yard full of kiddo's!!  It's pretty sad that our backyard looks like a school playground with all the toys!
 Notice Kaden is being Evil Kneival?  Crazy kid.
We had a really great weekend!
Here's a video of Landry for you to enjoy.  He had just had a breathing treatment, so he was wired.  If you notice, he tickles his sister and then proceeds to do the worm on her nap nanny.  Enjoy!

Have a fabulous week!

Monday, September 20, 2010


I had been wanting to take Ansley's picture with her daddy's fire gear, so he brought it home the other day!  Let's just say that photoshoots with infants do NOT go anything like you want them too!

Needless to say, I took a total of 136 pictures and I only like 3 of them!  And only one of those involves his fire gear!  It's okay though, because I really like it!!
This is one I took to check the light, not expecting it to turn out.  I wish her flower wasn't in her eye, but this might still be one of my favorite pictures of her now! I just love how awake she is!
And this is the only other decent picture of the day!
So, what to do when you're disappointed in the turnout from the day before?
You do ANOTHER 70 pictures today!  But I do give her credit!  She did really, really well, even though I still only got a handful that I like! :)  (There's actually a lot of cute one's but her headband slipped down in about 8 of them and pushed her ears out and she looks kind of elf like!)

Love this one.
Our air conditioner went out (again...) so it's been REALLY hot.  So today we had all the mini-blinds shut, all the lights off, and all the ceiling fans on!  So, she only had her new leg warmers on for about 2 minutes before I stripped her down again! (Don't worry, we got the a/c fixed...again.  Did I mention this is the 2nd time this week something has gone out on it? yep.)
And these 2 aren't fabulous or anything, but I think she looks like a doll. 

Notice how Landry is missing in all of these?  He refuses to partake in the photoshoots.  And when I say refuses.... seriously.  Like shakes his head, yells no, and runs out of the room, refuses.  I keep begging him to just lay by sister for just 1 picture, but I think he knows that when I say one picture, I mean 100 pictures.  Oh well, someday I'll get a cute picture of the two of them!

Hope you have a fabulous day!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Raindrops Keep Fallin' on my Head!!

We got LOTS of rain yesterday!  I went to get Landry from school and had got 4-5 sprinkles on the way, but by the time I got him and drove out of the parking lot, it was a full blown gully washer.
It was hailing towards our house so the kids and me went to the shop for awhile to wait it out.  Needless to say it didnt stop, so we finally just left.

We went driving around yesterday evening to see all the water, so I snapped a few pics.
This is WalMart Lake.  I don't think all the runoff had reached it yet, cause it wasn't near as full as it should've been for 3-5 inches of rain.
This is across from the lake in Lowe's parking lot
We drove out to Medi-Park too and got to really see the effects of the storm!
I wish we would've gone a little sooner because as fast as it was running off, I bet it was really high!
One of the pinic stands under water
You can barely see the handrail on the walking bridge that crosses the pond!

We also went by our old house.  This lake is by it and it's usually really low. 
I think it's so pretty when it's full!

We are so glad for all the rain!  We definetly needed it!

Shout out to my Aunt Diane who we really enjoyed getting to see the past few days!  Too bad I'm horrible and didn't get any pictures.  Landry LOVED entertaining her and Ansley loves anyone who will hold her!  Thank you again so much for Ansley's sweet clothes!  I can't wait to put her in them!  Hope we get to see you again soon Diane!