
Monday, September 20, 2010


I had been wanting to take Ansley's picture with her daddy's fire gear, so he brought it home the other day!  Let's just say that photoshoots with infants do NOT go anything like you want them too!

Needless to say, I took a total of 136 pictures and I only like 3 of them!  And only one of those involves his fire gear!  It's okay though, because I really like it!!
This is one I took to check the light, not expecting it to turn out.  I wish her flower wasn't in her eye, but this might still be one of my favorite pictures of her now! I just love how awake she is!
And this is the only other decent picture of the day!
So, what to do when you're disappointed in the turnout from the day before?
You do ANOTHER 70 pictures today!  But I do give her credit!  She did really, really well, even though I still only got a handful that I like! :)  (There's actually a lot of cute one's but her headband slipped down in about 8 of them and pushed her ears out and she looks kind of elf like!)

Love this one.
Our air conditioner went out (again...) so it's been REALLY hot.  So today we had all the mini-blinds shut, all the lights off, and all the ceiling fans on!  So, she only had her new leg warmers on for about 2 minutes before I stripped her down again! (Don't worry, we got the a/c fixed...again.  Did I mention this is the 2nd time this week something has gone out on it? yep.)
And these 2 aren't fabulous or anything, but I think she looks like a doll. 

Notice how Landry is missing in all of these?  He refuses to partake in the photoshoots.  And when I say refuses.... seriously.  Like shakes his head, yells no, and runs out of the room, refuses.  I keep begging him to just lay by sister for just 1 picture, but I think he knows that when I say one picture, I mean 100 pictures.  Oh well, someday I'll get a cute picture of the two of them!

Hope you have a fabulous day!


  1. Precious baby girl. Can't believe she is 1 month already.

  2. I like the photos you showed today. Ansley is so pretty and is a doll to adore. Wish you had come to my house and not dealing with the heat. I think Landry doesn't have time to slow down he has work to do. They are so cute.

  3. Love the pics. You did a great job.

  4. I think the pictures turned out super cute! I really like the second one you posted A LOT! It might be my favorite but they are all so cute. Plus I love the style dress you have on her...the pink one and the black one.
