
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hard Work and Misery

We had lots of work around here yesterday!  They poured our concrete at 10 yesterday morning! Chris' cousin Rene' brought her 2 kiddo's over and let me tell you how much help Landry & Collin were!  Notice Landry has his ears covered? The concrete truck was pulling up.

They were transfixed with the truck!

This little man is Quinn!  He's 4 months old and has already had 2 heart surgeries!
He's a strong willed big guy and is doing great so far!  I was SO happy to finally get to meet him!
 Here's where the fun began!
 The boys figured out that they could play in Uncle Terry's cooler...
 They were so funny together.  Since Rene's been in Dallas for so long with Quinn, we haven't got to spend time together in months.  The boys had so much fun (even if they had a couple of push down fights !! )
 Almost finished! The boys only walked in it a few times!
 As did Harli...

As for misery?
This is what I've been doing all day...
 Along with snuggling a lot with this little man.  (this was the 1st nap he took like this this morning and he took another for almost 2 hours this afternoon in the same position.)
My child seriously has THE.WORST.ALLERGIES.
So for months out of the year he is congested, snotty nosed, and coughing.  I'm pretty sure allergies plus a bug = OMG ewwwww.
This morning we were on our way to "school" when he threw up..... YUCK.
It continued down hill from there.  However, it only lasted for about 5 hours and so far this afternoon he's been great!  So I don't know if it was all the mucus or what...
Needless to say, school didn't happen! Grammy provided us with lots of gatorade, clorox wipes and chicken noodle soup & Uncle Terry provided Pedialyte!

We spent the morning water coloring! 
 This was one of his masterpieces.  I know, you want an autograph right?!
 Isn't he a stud in his pj's and houseshoes?  Love that kid!
Let's hope that he's the only one of us who get this "thing!" 
Hope your day is better than ours!! :)


  1. Glad Landry is feeling better. Sorry he was so sick this morning. Like the looks of the patio...footprints and all.

  2. awwww. Had no idea Rene' had such a trooper. Hope Landry grows out of allergies. Can't say I miss the hay fever that West Texas gave me.
