
Friday, July 16, 2010

A little of this and that!

I haven't taken pictures in FOREVER!  So some of these are from my phone and some are from last nite when I finally got my camera out again!

This was from a few weeks ago.  I was laying out drying off after getting out of the pool, Landry started throwing a fit, so I moved to see what was wrong.  He climbed up there and took my spot!  I guess he needed the sun!
This is how I found Harli after dropping Landry off at school last week.  It's obviously a very hard life...
After hearing commotion in the dining room I went in there to see what was going on.  Low and behold, the dog was on the table.  I like her look "uh, am I in trouble?"
Throwing his diaper away on his was to school.
We got LOTS of rain last week, this is WalMart lake. I seriously think it was up at least 12 feet.  It usually looks so horrible and the morning after the rains you couldn't even see the sidewalks, the road into it, or the parking lot!  It's already gone down a lot!
And finally.  We bought all new interior doors for our house.  Big Daddy and Landry had to work on some of the old ones last nite.  Landry LOVES tools.  Last week when we went to order the doors, we let him get himself a new tool, so he got a new tape measure.  If you'll notice, he's wearing on his shorts like his daddy does.
He also has his own drill.  Granted it's Chris' old one, but he'll charge it for him and everything, and Landry will carry it around and "work" on things for hours.
A real working man!
I know she looks cute, but believe me, looks are very deceiving.
Showing daddy how to measure the old door.
Obviously daddy doesn't understand
Harli just kept staring at me, so I thought I'd show you that she was "helping" too!

On the baby note.  Ansley's room is ready!  I need to do a few more things and I'll take pictures to show.  I LOVE how it turned out.  I think it's perfect.  I also have a few more things to hang in Landry's big boy room and i'll show you that too!
Ansley's birthday has been scheduled and I'm starting to get really nervous.  Hopefully everything will go smoothly.

Sorry for all the randomness! Hope you enjoyed it!


  1. All the suspense is killing me! Ansley's room, Landry's room, Ansley's arrival (soon!!!)...I can't wait for pictures.

    Landry is a good helper. Feel free to send him this way so he can help around here. We could use some extra hands these days.

  2. Enjoyed seeing the childrens rooms. Landry can certainly use his tools in the right was. He is cute to watch as he shows off his talents. It took lots of work and great ideas to fix the two rooms so cute.
