
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Landry's "school" celebrated the 4th of July today!  They had a little parade around the playground this afternoon, so we all went to watch! It sprinkled off and on during it but I think everyone had a great time!

Mrs. Tina and Ms. Alex with Landry's class
They didn't realize til they were outside that the kids were facing the wrong direction!
I got Landry out of the wagon so him and the boys all joined in the parage with Grampy
Aren't they cute!
Each class made something for the parade.  Landry's class made the blue flags to wave.  And he also colored the flag picture!  Needless to say, he has quite a bit of blue marker on him! :)
Here's a little video of the boys finishing up the parade.  Notice my child face plant at the very end.  Don't worry, he's fine.  Sometimes his feet go faster than his body!

Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend! Stay safe! And don't forget to celebrate the reason for this holiday!

A special thank you to all the men and women of this country who fight for our freedom and to all the families who have lost a loved one defending our freedom!
I am so thankful to live in this nation!


  1. What a cute activity. Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend.

  2. Looks like Grampy might be going back to school. The boys are having fun with Landry at the school parade. He does not know about curbs yet. He is so goodlooking. I'm glad he is enjoying MDO.

  3. I'll bet the boys all had a great time helping Landry with his parade. Boy is he getting big! Love the artwork. Your refrigerator will be covered in no time.
