
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ahhh, Young Love!

Before we get to the cuteness of young love, I thought I'd updat ya on Landry!
I took this pic on Thursday and you can definetely tell how much better he is!  By Friday, his body was almost back to normal and now he just breaks out and turns red when he is hot or hyper. My sis-in-law Monica had got him in with the allergy doctor she works with so he put him on a 24 hour antihistimine on top of the other one he was already on.  So now he takes the 24 hour one in the morning and the other one at nighttime. Hallelujah! And he's almost back to his normal sleeping schedule - can I get an AMEN!
Friday afternoon, Emily brought Kaden and Ella over to play!  Kaden of course went to the basement to play the Wii, so the lovers played upstairs!  Landry tries to be so gentle with Ella and he especially loves to "pet" her (and kiss her!).
See how he just lays beside her while she plays?
Having a conversation about the safety of driving
Isn't she pretty? I just think she's a doll!
I promise he's kissing her hand and not biting her!

More kisses
I'm tellin' y'all, it's meant to be!

Hope everyone is having a fabulous start to their week!


  1. Cute pictures. You can tell he is gentle with her. Maybe that's a good sign for the new one. Hope when they grow up they are ok with the prearranged marriage.

  2. It doesn't get any more precious than the tender loving these two babies give to one another. They are adorable and gentle to each other. I'm sure GOD smiles on them. It certainly made me smile. Grandma L.

  3. Landry is looking so much better! His skin cleared up well. I love that last picture...too cute!

  4. Sweet pics. Glad Landry is doing much better.
