
Friday, February 26, 2010

Susie Homemaker

Several months ago, I had purchased a TON of firefighter material.  My thoughts were that I would make Chris a quilt to take to the station for him to use instead of the blanket that he has.  I had all the squares cut and everything... and then nothing.  Life just gets a little crazy with a toddler running around (not to mention he loves to play with the sewing machine) so last week when I was straightening up the basement and I saw all the squares, I thought "oh, I should totally make that quilt for Chris' birthday!"  (Which was on the 20th and I had great plans to take cute pics of Landry to post telling him happy birthday, but the rash kinda spoiled that one)  So I pinned and sewed and pinned and sewed (and pinned and sewed...repeat) I had the entire front done and the back done I just needed to complete it.  Then my child came down with his reptile rash.  So the quilt was put on hold.  Yesterday, I was so tired of looking at the 2 seperate pieces, I decided to stay up until I was finished!! Needless to say, Chris got to take it to work today!

It measures 5' by 8' - I never could get it to take a decent picture- also remember this is at 11:45 last nite so I was trying to be quiet!
This is the back, I PROMISE it's not this wrinkled in real life.  I was to tired to straighten it all out for a picture though.
I really hope he enjoys using it, Landry and I had a good time making it.  Even though my fingers and back don't agree!

Happy Late Birthday Big Daddy!  We LOVE You!!

Have a great day!


  1. The quilt turned out really nice. I know Landry enjoyed his sew time and will miss you not sewing on it. I guess you will have to fix him one next.

  2. You have fixed a very nice quilt. I know Chris is proud of the time and work you spent making it for him. You are talented in so many ways just like your Mother. Hope you got some rest and feeling good. Is the little one moving a lot? I wish the rash would hurry and heal and Landry could start feeling good. He is so precious.lasha

  3. You did a really nice job on the quilt. It is very tiring to make one but so worth the effort.
