
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Show Us Where You Live Friday!

This week's edition is nursery's! We used to use this room as our office until we changed it to Landry's room. It's in the back of the house with the window looking into the backyard. I hope you enjoy!

Here's a little glimpse of the before! Bright blue walls and pink carpet! Lovely!

Here's his crib, I don't have his bumper's on right now, but it's multi-colored plaid that I got from Land of Nod.

The rocking chair that my husband re-did for me and the dresser that used to be my parents entertainment center! We just added drawers and such, and it gave me lots of storage!

Fun pictures

Landry's personalized bookcase made by his daddy

And his dresser/changing table that my husband and dad made, Love it!

Well, that's about it! Hope you enjoyed a little peek into Landry's world!

Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wonderful Weekend!

We had a great Memorial Day weekend, not to mention, really enjoyed our day off! Now it's back to reality and the joys of day to day life.
It was supposed to rain all weekend, but instead, we had great weather! Saturday we enjoyed a fun cookout of steak and potatoes with my family and yesterday we got to swim with some friends!
The day was hot, the water was warm, and I'm burnt like a piece of toast...
It was Landry's first time to swim and boy did he have fun! He did NOT like being lubed up with sunscreen however.
He's thinkin' "oh mama, I'm not sure about this." It didn't take him long to relax and enjoy!
And yes, I did just take this and no it's not the 12th, but who else will know that but you!

Landry loved splashing in the water and getting all pruny and after he was in there for about an hour, he laid down and took a 2 1/2 hour nap... Can I get a hallelujah!

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and remembered why we celebrate. Thanks to all the men and women serving this great country!

My countdown begins... we leave Saturday morning to meet my brother and his family in the beautiful Colorado mountains for 4 days of good ole' fashioned camping! *well in a trailer* but we will have a campfire and cookouts and lots and lots of fishing! I cannot wait!

Have a wonderful day!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Random Nothings!

I have nothing! Nothing fun or interesting, insightful or intriguing! But I do have a couple of pics to share!
I love rainbows! Not the storms to go with them, but I think they're beautiful!
The other side of the rainbow, I wonder which side the pot of gold and the little leprechauns are!

Landry riding Grampy's pig at work

Hanging out outside with daddy

Startin' my day at Grammy's!
I hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday weekend! Maybe I'll have something interesting next week!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Show Us Where You Live Friday!

Welcome to "Show Us Your House Friday"! This week is guest rooms!

Here are a couple of before pictures, sorry I don't have a few better before & afters.
The "bow" window

Looking in from the hall (pink carpet again!)

The two closets
And the after pictures. We painted the room a golden yellow with a white glaze. And of course new carpet!

My mom made the quilt and everything for the bed! I love it! It's so bright and cheery! (on the opposite wall is two closet's and a mirrored dresser)

These are my hutches which I display all my precious moments and Dreamsicles. All the furniture in this room was mine from when I was little. It was my mom's when she was young as well!


And the cute little pictures that my mom painted! *I promise they are hung straight, I obviously can't take pictures straight though!*

Well, that's about it! Not much to it, but I do still love it! Can't wait to see other's guest bedrooms!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I hope everyone enjoyed their Mother's Day! We enjoyed getting to see family this weekend and spend some time with them!

Momma and Landry
Trissa helping Landry ride with Kaleb

Keevan and Kaleb wanted in Tres' dog cage to play and Landry hung out on top!
Landry with my aunt Diane
Landry and my cousin Kim (don't you love their matching expressions?!)

Landry attempting to suck on Kim's arm
We enjoyed getting to see y'all, even if it wasn't for very long! Landry can't wait to see you again!
The little monster turned 6 months old yesterday! I'll get his pic's up soon, but he did have to get his shots yesterday and Daddy was lucky enough to go with us for once! Don't they look thrilled!
He weighed in at 18 lbs. 12.5 oz. and was 27 1/2 inches tall! His pedi said he was average height for a 9 month old and weight for a 8 month old! I certainly hope he gets his daddy's size!
That's all for now! Hope everyone has a great day!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Show Us Where You Live Friday!

It's Show Us Where You Live Friday - Living Room edition, sponsored by Kelly!

We're fairly simple people and tend to like the easier side of life. That being said, I do not have a spotless house, I *sometimes* spot dust bunnies running across the floor, and I certainly wouldn't change a thing! So sit back, relax and enjoy!

Here's the living room when we bought the house.... painted wood paneling and pink carpet!


And here are the after pic's! Much better!

From the kitchen - After

From the master

Bookcase / Picture display

The infamous deer head!

From the entryway

I've also included pictures of our basement. We use it the same as our living room! However, we also use it as our theater (the big screen & projector came with the house), office, play the Wii room, and my "craft" room! So it has many purposes!

Hope you enjoyed the tour!

Shout out to my aunt Diane whose birthday is tomorrow!
To my cousin Josh for his graduation tomorrow!
And to Diane, Craig, Kim & Mark - Landry CANNOT wait to see y'all!
Be careful!

Have a great day!

Thankful Thursday

Since Mother's Day is coming up, I thought of no better time than to share my mom with you!

My mom has to be the greatest mom ever made. I know I may be biased, but that's okay. She has devoted her whole life to our family, not only when we were kids but to this day. She is such an inspiration to me as a mom and I look to her for advice quite often. I feel so blessed by my little boy having a Grammy like her (not to mention he LOVES staying with her while I'm at work... even if he does stink up the house!). Not only is she my best friend but a wonderful mom and grandma. She means the world to me!

So here's to you Mom! I love you!

Shout Out: My nephew turns 5 today! Happy Birthday Kaleb!

Hope everyone has a fabulous day!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What is yours?

Okay, so when I was a little girl, my favorite toy was my little baby doll. She had a cute wrinkly nose, plastic arms & legs and a soft cotton-ey midsection. I loved that baby more than anything. Not to mention she fit into some of my old clothes from when I was a baby.

For some odd reason (which none of us can remember) I colored on my baby doll with an ink pen; in her ears, on her arms and even in her little nostrils. But she was still perfect to me.

Okay, this is where it gets bad, so prepare yourself.

I got my precious baby doll from Santa. And my dad, being the funny man that he is, made the comment that "she looked like Santa dropped her on the ground and the reindeer stepped on her face." This is how my baby came to be known as "Ugly Baby." That's right, Ugly Baby. Now, obviously my older brother (who must've got his funny gene's from my dad) thought this was hilarious.

When we would be in the car, they would roll down the window, grab "ugly baby," stick her head out of the window and then roll it up so she was hanging out of it.

When my brother got remote control trucks for Christmas or his birthday, they would lay my baby on the ground and proceed to use her as a jump. One time even leaving a tire mark across her poor little face.

Bless her little heart, I would cry and cry when they would call her ugly baby. Regarless of how she looked to them, she was a beauty! I always told my parents that because of this horrible injustice as a child, I would grow up and have to be in therapy and I would have to tell them all about "ugly baby" and how they would make fun of her and abuse her.

I still have ugly baby and to this day, she is still referred to as such. She still has pen mark all over her, seeing as how we never could get it off. And I still get teary eyed when they hash out the details of their cahoots on her. And I still feel the pain I did as a little girl for that precious baby doll.

Someday a therapist is gonna make a lot of money off of me, huh?!

Question is.... What is or was your favorite childhood toy? Do you still have it? And do you have any good stories to go along with it?

Have a great day!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Life is like a box of chocolates...

You never know what you're gonna get!
I do believe that Forest Gump said it best!

Majority of the chocolates are soft and gooey, but every once in a while, you get a nut!

If you would have told me 10 years ago that I would be married to a small town, country lovin', John Deere wearin', get your hands dirty, western movie guru, fireman type of guy, I don't know that I would have believed you! But, like I said, you never know what you're gonna get!(ps. I sometimes like to think that he's the nut in my box of chocolates!)

If you would've told me 10 years ago that I would be a secretary for my dad & uncle still, instead of a nurse, I really don't think I would've believed you! Now, in reality, this would be where the nuts fit in (I kid you not and actually, nuts is probably a little too nice). But, like I said, you never know what you're gonna get!

If you would have told me 10 years ago, that the only child I have would just now be almost 6 months old, I would not have believed you. But, you never know what you're gonna get!

(PS. I'm pretty sure he's the soft and gooey part of my chocolates!)

Truth is, life is like a box of chocolates! Regardless of what type of plan you may have for your life, things change! I figured by this age, I would be married, be a nurse, have 2 kids and be well on my way to perfect bliss!

No one plans on meeting the wrong "one" before finding your prince.

No one plans on changing your career path.

No one plans on a miscarriage.

But from all these things, my life is bliss! The journey to get here may not be what I had imagined, but the end destination could not be better! I have a loving, firefighting, strong, hunk of a husband. I have a great job that allows me to have a flexible schedule. And I have the most adorable, rolly-polly, big-smiled, large hearted little boy!

Life may be like a box of chocolates...

but I definitely think I chose the best ones!

Have a wonderful day!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Show Us Where You Live

Kelly @ is starting a home tour and this week is kitchen's! Although my kitchen is nothing spectacular, it does the job intended and gets our bellies full (most nites anyways!). We did a LOT of work to our house when we bought it, the kitchen included. The cabinets had so much grease covering them, we quickly learned that scrubbing them down was not going to work. Therefore, our cabinet doors are sandblasted, that's right, sandblasted! Instead of having a solid, smooth surface, they have a textured feel. Where the softer wood used to be is now recessed and the harder wood stands out. They're really quite neat!

The kitchen are before
Dining Area with Built-in Hutch (before)

Hutch after

Dining room table

Kitchen area after