
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Show Us Where You Live Friday!

Welcome to "Show Us Your House Friday"! This week is guest rooms!

Here are a couple of before pictures, sorry I don't have a few better before & afters.
The "bow" window

Looking in from the hall (pink carpet again!)

The two closets
And the after pictures. We painted the room a golden yellow with a white glaze. And of course new carpet!

My mom made the quilt and everything for the bed! I love it! It's so bright and cheery! (on the opposite wall is two closet's and a mirrored dresser)

These are my hutches which I display all my precious moments and Dreamsicles. All the furniture in this room was mine from when I was little. It was my mom's when she was young as well!


And the cute little pictures that my mom painted! *I promise they are hung straight, I obviously can't take pictures straight though!*

Well, that's about it! Not much to it, but I do still love it! Can't wait to see other's guest bedrooms!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. I love the room but the quilt and pictures are my favorite.

    Thanks for sharing !!

  2. Love the color and the quilt, thanks for the tour!

  3. Those are such cute pictures! I love ladybugs! Thanks for sharing your adorable room.

  4. I love your windows and your colors! What a fun room!

  5. What a bright fun room! :-) love it!

  6. What a cute room....I love the pictures!


  7. Very Happy Room! I love the pictures!
