
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Since Mother's Day is coming up, I thought of no better time than to share my mom with you!

My mom has to be the greatest mom ever made. I know I may be biased, but that's okay. She has devoted her whole life to our family, not only when we were kids but to this day. She is such an inspiration to me as a mom and I look to her for advice quite often. I feel so blessed by my little boy having a Grammy like her (not to mention he LOVES staying with her while I'm at work... even if he does stink up the house!). Not only is she my best friend but a wonderful mom and grandma. She means the world to me!

So here's to you Mom! I love you!

Shout Out: My nephew turns 5 today! Happy Birthday Kaleb!

Hope everyone has a fabulous day!


  1. What a sweet post! I think I can speak for us all when I say that we all love Grammy, who my case is my favorite 'ant!' LOL...a woman of many names. What a cute picture!
