
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Landry!

Landry Wyatt,

3 years ago today at 7:29 pm, you came into our lives and entered us into the world of parenthood.


By the time you were born, we already loved you so much, but we had no idea how much that love would grow after meeting you.

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You have changed our lives so much.  You have blessed us with so much joy and laughter and love.  God gave us such a wonderful gift to trust you to us and we thank him daily.

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You are a strong willed, wild, crazy, funny, out of control little boy, but you have such a fun and kind hearted spirit.

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I cannot believe that you started out as a 8.5 pound little baby and grown into such a big *little* man.  You love your sister unconditionally, for which makes me love you even more. 


Thank you so much for showing us the love you give everyday.  I hope you get everything you want in life and you always remain such a carefree, sweet, caring person.


We love you so much big guy


We hope you have the best birthday ever and enjoy all that is to come


Happy Birthday sweet boy!

Love you bunches!

Momma, Daddy, Sister, & Harli

No one else will know the strength of my love for you.  After all, you’re the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.


  1. This was your birthday today but I get to celebrate with you tomorrow. You are fun to be around because you get so much out of life. Stay the sweet boy you are as you grow up. Happy Birthday Landry.

  2. He's such a cutie! Love seeing the progression and how much he's changed over the years. Miss y'all.
