
Friday, November 18, 2011

The birthday party that never was….

Landry got to have his party at school the Thursday before his actual birthday.  We took cookies and juice for the kids and had a fun time!

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I think in the 30 minutes we were there, Ansley had approximately 10 cookies to herself.

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Poor guy does NOT like being sung to.

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Being the great mother I am, I didn’t take pictures of the birthday boy on his actual birthday.  Horrible, I know.  Chris was working, so it was just me and the kids.  We had donuts for breakfast, met Grammy & Bam Bam for lunch at McDonalds and hung out with Zia.

We took him to the Mart so he could pick out a toy for his birthday since his party wasn’t til the next day.  He chose a tonka tow truck which was really cool, until we got home and he decided he wanted the helicopter toy.  Needless to say, his Zia went back to the Mart to pick it up for him and gave it to him that nite.  He was in heaven!

We spent several hours working on party favors and getting things ready for the party.  Here’s the chocolate dipped rice crispy treats *idea courtesy of pinterest!*

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Sunday morning when Landry woke up, he sounded like he was barking and he literally could not breathe very good.  The minute Chris walked in, Landry and I left for the urgent care.  The got him in immediately since he was having a hard time breathing and after a breathing treatment, steroid shots, and being tested for everything, they decided he just had croup.  Party CANCELLED.  I know he’s at an age where he won’t remember, but it seriously made me sad to have to cancel it. 

Anywho.  We had a mini party for him and gave him his new dune buggy

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Which sister thoroughly enjoyed her party favor in while brother was napping.

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And Grammy and Bam Bam brought gifts and cupcakes!

He got an awesome Mater lego set from Alan and Nancy.

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A bright red new “ski’ coat from Grandma

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New movies, letters, chalk, CARS dish set

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and an art easel from Grammy & Bam Bam!

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Then we had cupcakes! *notice he still doesn’t like being sang to!*

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Terry, Trissa and the boys came and hung out that afternoon and after having so many steroids in one day, Landry was hyper!  It was nice outside luckily though, so the boys all got to play on the new ride!

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Hopefully we’ll have a make up party soon for the big 3 year old!  But overall, for having to cancel his party, I think he had a great birthday!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Landry!

Landry Wyatt,

3 years ago today at 7:29 pm, you came into our lives and entered us into the world of parenthood.


By the time you were born, we already loved you so much, but we had no idea how much that love would grow after meeting you.

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You have changed our lives so much.  You have blessed us with so much joy and laughter and love.  God gave us such a wonderful gift to trust you to us and we thank him daily.

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You are a strong willed, wild, crazy, funny, out of control little boy, but you have such a fun and kind hearted spirit.

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I cannot believe that you started out as a 8.5 pound little baby and grown into such a big *little* man.  You love your sister unconditionally, for which makes me love you even more. 


Thank you so much for showing us the love you give everyday.  I hope you get everything you want in life and you always remain such a carefree, sweet, caring person.


We love you so much big guy


We hope you have the best birthday ever and enjoy all that is to come


Happy Birthday sweet boy!

Love you bunches!

Momma, Daddy, Sister, & Harli

No one else will know the strength of my love for you.  After all, you’re the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Happy Halloween.....
only a week late!

Chris took the day off from the station, so he stayed home with the kids.  When I got home, they were excited to show me the pumpkin they had carved! (it even has the kids initials in it!)

1st stop was to Grandma's house
This is about as good as the pictures got- Landry didn't look at the camera in any of them and the rest the flast blew them out too much.
Then we headed to mom and dad's

For some reason, Ansley was very angry with her costume, which was weird since she loves it!  Maybe it has something to do with her being a drama queen...

Landry's friend Annsley Belle (and her parents) met us there and we trick or treated at a few houses on their street

Since the kids had been sick, we didn't stay out long. After mom and dad's we visited a few of our neighbors, called it a night and handed out candy.
First though, Landry got to put a candle in his pumpkin so everyone could see it
Then the boys stopped by with Landry and Ansley's goodies and so i could get a picture with all of them.  Aren't they SO cute! :)
Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween!