
Sunday, September 25, 2011


I have lots of pics on my camera card that need to be erased, so I figured I better add a few here. 

Landry has spent a lot of time bouncing lately.  Macy came over a few weeks ago and they had a lot of fun playing for hours!

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Harli thought she needed to join in the fun as well

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Ansley is starting to learn to drive her own 4-wheeler (of course with help from brother!)

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Ethen got to bounce as well.  Once he got used to the noise of it, he was a little bouncing machine!

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My friend Sasha celebrated her anniversary a few weeks ago, so I kept Annsley Belle overnite.  Terry was out of town and Chris was working, so Trissa and the boys stayed the nite as well.  This is what the living room looked like.  Notice all of them covering their eyes from my flash? (We stayed up watching Pippy Longstockings til after 11, the big boys fell asleep a little bit into it, but the little ones watched the whole thing!)

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Thursday nite, we went to mom & dad’s neighborhood for the homecoming parade to watch all the floats.

Two kids were walking down the street with boxes on their heads – not for sure what in the world they were doing…

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Terry, Chris, Kaleb & Landry waiting for the parade to start

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All the floats and groups were dressed up as something, best I can figure is they were dressed in their Halloween costumes.

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Keevan’s football team got to ride in the parade- he’s SO big!

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Dedicated to the troops

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Wizard of Oz – they even had flying monkeys!

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A few people walked their dogs in it and Landry was obsessed!  He kept running to go pet them all.

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Chris and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary yesterday! Terry, Trissa and the boys came over to play with the kids so we could go to dinner.  This is the only picture I’ll show of us.  I look like a whale in the others.

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Chris gave me money and the day off from the kids yesterday to go do what I wanted.  I left the house at 9:30 and got home around 5.  I got me some new clothes, a few things for the kids and finished Chris’ gift.  I had a great time and appreciated that he let me do that SO much!  It was a nice break and I know the kids had a great day with their daddy!

The boys wanted their picture taken – aren’t they so handsome!

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Hope everyone is enjoying the first few days of FALL!  Now if only the weather would cooperate and quit being in the 90’s!

Have a great week!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mountain Fun

Landry has learned lately to love the camera- so now when he see’s me get it out, he says “oh, mama take my picture!” So pretty much the only pics I got while in the mountains were of him posing!

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I really want a cute picture of the kids together, so I made Chris try to help me pretty much every nite!  Landry usually tried to choke his sister and she usually just tried to lick her brother…

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We had great weather all weekend, it was in the 40’s on Sunday and rained off and on all day and the other days it usually stayed in the 60’s.  We had a great time!