
Monday, August 29, 2011

Catching Up

Not a whole lot has been going on here lately- so, nothing too interested to show you!

Ansley has become obsessed with getting on the couch, so Landry has learned how to remove all the cushions to help her. 

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This pretty much sums up Landry, he never slows down.

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The boys brought their bouncer over one night, so that occupied everyone *except Ansley* for awhile

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Last week, we went out to lunch for my birthday with Sasha & Annsley Belle and then went to the Discovery Center for a playdate.  The kids had an absolute blast!  Not to mention, I got in free and we were pretty much the only ones there, so the kids had free roam of the entire place.

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Trying to get a picture of these two is near to impossible- they neither one will slow down.  (Landry pretty much refuses to call her Annsley, he always calls her Tinker Bell)

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He climbed all the way to the top!

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Landry was the best at the bubbles- he did great!

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Sister playing at the campfire

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Having a cup of coffee

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A few nites ago, Aaron came to help Chris with the porch and of course Miss Ella didn’t fail to entertain us as always!

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Crabby britches swinging away

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They also helped Keevan with his football plays

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Ansley LOVES her pretty Fancy Nancy dress from Miss Chloe (and Kim & Mark!), she got SO many compliments on it.

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That’s about all that we’ve been up to!

PS- Diane, THANK you SO much for the amazing dress you made for Ansley.  I love, love, love it!  I promise I will send a thank you note very soon. 

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Life looks busy. Glad you liked the dress. No need to send a thank you, save your stamp.

  2. So glad to see the family in action. Relived the great times we had at Discovery Center. Fun seeing the little ones at work. They look so cute and Ansley is pretty in her new dress. Keevan looked good lining up for the next play. Glad you had a busy Birthday AND WISHING YOU MANY MORE.

  3. Ansley, looks so cute in her brown suit she wore and was finding a new friend in the mirror. Did Grammy make it for her?

  4. Love the ghost effect of Landry and the picture of Ansley with the straw in her mouth...too cute. She does look fancy in her dress, which is what I was going for.

    I cannot wait to come see you guys again! I miss y'all.
