
Thursday, August 11, 2011

12 Months aka 1 YEAR!!

Oh my. I can’t believe I’m already writing this.

*WARNING- prepare yourself for a lot of pictures.  And by a lot, I mean like 200.  Don’t say you weren’t warned!

A year ago today at 8:17 in the morning, you, my baby girl came into our lives.  Needless to say, you completed our family and we haven’t been the same since.

You entered this world at 9 lbs 6 oz. and were 19.5 inches long.  You won the biggest baby in the nursery award!  As of a week ago, you were 21 lbs 10.5 ozs. but you don’t go for your 1 year well check until the 17th. 

Right now, you are mainly wearing 18 month clothing, size 3 diapers and a 3-4 shoe.


I switched you to whole milk a few weeks ago and you didn’t give me any problem changing.  You’re not a picky eater *knock on wood* and I hope you remain that way!


You have 6 teeth.  Top middle two and the one to the left; and the bottom two with the one to the left as well! You have a mouth full of teeth on the left side!


You can WALK! You mostly take about 4-5 steps before you realize it’s still faster to crawl.


You’re a climber. You will attempt to climb onto anything, which is not a good thing!


Anything that your brother has in his hands, you think you must have immediately.  You expect there to be no questions asked and if he disagrees, you let it be known whose the boss.


You’re starting to really show interest in Harli.  That poor dog, between you and Landry, y’all wear her out!


You still love to wrestle with daddy, you squeal with delight when he gets on the ground with you and your brother.


You have started laughing uncontrollably lately.  But the only time you do it, is when your brother provokes it.

2011-05-01 may

Notice a pattern? You worship your brother!  I’m pretty sure he thinks you rock too.

2011-06-09 misc

You scream.  I mean, SCREAM when you’re not getting attention, or if you want something, or just for fun.

2011-06-11 10months

Yes, I know.  She is my daughter.

2011-07-10 11 months

You are an outdoor type of girl.  I swear you stay dirty all the time.  Not just dirty, but down right filthy.  You love the mud and water puddles on the patio the most.  Luckily though- you also love bathtime!

2011-08-10 1 year

**These are Ansley’s ONE YEAR PIC’S!** 


We just think you are the most beautiful baby girl ever!


You have blessed our lives beyond belief.  I honestly don’t know what we did before we had you and your brother (besides probably led a very boring life!).


You are such a happy little girl, and I pray that the world we live in doesn’t ever change that.  I know there will be hardships and difficult times, but I hope you always remember to smile.


I hope you are as blessed in life as what we are now. 


I know that down the road, you’re going to go through a time where you probably won’t like me.  I just hope you remember that I will always be here for you, even if you think I’m not cool.


This is my favorite picture!

ansleypics 083-1

Enjoy life and live it to the fullest!


Second favorite picture!

ansleypics 105

Takin’ things Jungle Book style!


Sweet baby, I cannot believe you are a year old, it seems like just yesterday you were born.  You have grown so much over the last 12 months, it has been amazing seeing the changes and watching you learn new things daily.  You are so beautiful to us and we are so blessed having you in our lives.  God has given me and your daddy such a gift by trusting us with you and brother.  I hope you grow up feeling loved.  Believe in yourself that anything you want in life, you can have and that you can accomplish great things.  Your Grammy always told me to “reach for the stars,” live by that baby girl and you will go so far!

We love you SO much and hope your 1st birthday is absolutely grand!


Mommy, Daddy & Landry


  1. Time really flies by! Can't believe it's been a year. Love the photos. Give the sweet girl a kiss from all of us.

  2. Tori, each picture speaks for it's self. She is very special, a dream come true and an answer to prayer when she was born. You and Chris are very lucky having Landry and Ansley to spoil and enjoy watching them grow up.

  3. She is so beautiful! Wish we could be there for her party. I'm putting her package in the mail tomorrow...we've been out of town. Love y'all!

  4. Happy Birthday Ansley. It has been so much fun watching her grow up in the adorable little one year old she is now.

  5. i have tears in my; eyes:) Your kids are beautiful. i can't believe that precious girl is one already! Time flies! have a great 1st birthday party Ansley!!
