
Monday, July 4, 2011

Total Randomness

There is absolutely no point to this post.  Just forewarning you!

Grampy and Ansley swimming a few weeks ago


Landry posing after a hard days work

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His 4th of July parade a few days ago.  Notice he’s in horrible clothes? I had him in his cute outfit for the parade (with a shirt mom had made) so I wasn’t too happy he wasn’t in that when I got there.  Afterwards, I asked why he changed and they said he had a “horrible” accident and it was all over his clothes.  I opened the sack when I got home to wash them and the only poo on his outfit, was a little bitty spot on the back of his shirt.  Nothing anywhere else.  Needless to say, I wasn’t too happy.

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All the boys have been working at Terry’s for a few days and Keevan wanted me to take pictures of his flips.  I took a bunch and thought they looked cool.

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Landry of course had to “work” too

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A little sneak peak!

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Oh, and I got a tattoo.  Actually, we all got tattoos (Big Daddy, me, Terry and Trissa).  I got mine on my right ankle.  Fun times! :)

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I have a whole ton of videos to share, especially a funny one from last nite, but I’ve been trying to upload them to youtube since yesterday with no luck.  It takes FOREVER and then about a quarter of the way into it, it says there was an error.  I’ve been trying vimeo since this morning, with not much better luck.

Any advice?  I’m tired of not being able to load them, are there any other sites to use?

Hope everyone has a safe and fun 4th of July!

God Bless America!


  1. Love the tattoo! Happy fourth of July to you guys.

  2. You have made my day seeing the cute pictures you have shared. Grampy was neat having special time with the little mermaid. The new playhouse Terry and Chris have built is wonderful for Keevan and Kaleb. Landry looks so cute with his school friends. He is so cute. I adore all my great grandchildren.

  3. Grampy and Ansley have the same expression in the 2nd photo. Too funny!! Your mom told me about the cute shirt she made, wish Landry could have worn it. I like your tattoo.
