
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Water Day

This is pretty much how we spend our evenings around here.  Lots and lots of water!

Landry had to have his teeth worked on yesterday morning and had to be “put to sleep” for it, and we told him if he did real good, he’d get a few surprises.  He actually did really good except the whole waking up part and he turned into the Incredible Hulk again.  So when Big Daddy got home from work yesterday, he was loaded with surprises for Landry.  A new (huge) water gun, a Lightning McQueen car, a firetruck movie and a doll for sister.

Needless to say, they had to test out the water gun immediately and spent the rest of the night outside. Bless his heart, when it was full, he couldn’t even pick it up.

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Harli HATES being squirted, so she tries to hide the whole time

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And unless the little miss is in the midst of being sprayed you’ll find her eating leaves (or dog food).

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This is what you get when you ask him to smile.

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and this would be when the water was turned on me

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This is how Harli takes naps.  While we eat dinner, she rests her head on the bench and sleeps, I guess last nite she was too tired to just lay down.

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Both babies LOVE bathtime.  I think they’d stay in there all day if we’d let them!

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Smile Landry!

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Hope everyone is staying cool in this ridiculously hot weather.  I know we’re trying!


  1. 103 here in Austin today. Give me 10 hours and I'll be in Amarillo to play with Landry and the water gun! That fun but more importantly cold!

  2. Supposed to say "That *looks fun..." wow.

  3. Glad Landry did ok at the dentist. He might want to go back more if he gets cool toys. ;)

  4. Bet the new watergun is heavy. Landry sure was enjoying shooting everyone. Glad to see the cute smile on his face. I can just see Ansley chasing him with it someday. They sure were enjoying bathtime.
