
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Birthday Party & a Sneak Peek!

I feel like it’s been forever since I posted (even though it hasn’t even been a week!).  I questioned even posting about Kaleb’s party because something royally ticked me off and I don’t even want to get into it. There’s a post that has been swirling in my head for a long time now in that regards, I just can’t seem to figure out how to word it. hmmm. Maybe someday.

Anywho. Kaleb had his 4 wheeler/art party on Friday.  I made his invitations to look like a stadium ticket for a 4wheeler event, made coloring sheets with atv’s on them and cut out a whole bunch of 4-wheeler bodies and wheels on my Cricut.

The kids got to choose their background paper, a colored “body” and the color of wheels they wanted, then glue sticked (yep, not a real word)  them on. 

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They all turned out really cute!

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Then they got to decorate their own cupcake! There were definitely some (questionable) masterpieces!

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The birthday boy

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This was pretty much the only time this kid wasn’t throwing a fit.  I really think being on steroids makes him crazy.  Literally. So we haven’t taken them since that night.  And life has been better (as good as it gets with a 2 year old! Smile)

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Big Daddy and Ansley

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We got Kaleb some goggles for when he rides the 4-wheeler and the mule

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Landry wouldn’t cooperate, so only sister got in the picture

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Everyone wondered what Grammy & Grampy got him, so we told them it was some kind of animal

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They all got really excited!

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Kaleb was thrilled to see he got his own helmet! (I’m sure the other kids weren’t that impressed!)

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He also got lots of fun outdoor toys!

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I think all the kids had a great time!

On a totally different note, this Friday, I’ll be guest blogging on The Little Birdie Blog!  Be sure to check it out!!



  1. Three things: 1. I envy your craftiness. You do so many cute things. 2. The picture of Ansley in Chris' arms is precious. I just love how daddies make their babies look so tiny even when you know they are so much bigger than they were when they were born. Does that make sense? haha. 3. The picture of Ansley looks so much like you when you were a baby!

    I guess there are 4 things :) Hope Landry's been feeling better. Poor guy.

  2. Tori,You took real good pictures of Kalebs special birthday party. There is a great assortment. Those are good looking friends sharing in his fun. His cupcake was real fancy. He and Ansley are so cute. That is a good picture of Landry. Hope he is feeling better. He has been through so much.

  3. Love it all!!! I enjoy reading your blog so much!!! Thank you so so much for the adorable burp cloths! I loved them and can't wait to use them! I hope you received your thank you in the mail, and sorry it has taken me this long to thank you on here:)

  4. Looks like the party was a great success. I'll check out your guest spot on the other blog on Friday.
