
Monday, April 25, 2011


I hope everyone had a fabulous Easter!
Landry’s school had their Easter celebrations on Thursday – and the buckets were a big hit! It was also the first party since Halloween that Big Daddy got to go to!
easter FAVS
The Easter bunny visited the kids, they each got stuffed animals and got to hunt eggs
Then we had lunch and an egg hunt at mom & dads
We tried family pictures as usual, I think I can get one to work.
I think the one’s of Keevan and Kaleb turned out cute
Terry tried climbing in the tree with the boys, it worked well until his hip locked up and I was a little worried we weren’t going to get him back out!  Made for some good laughs!
I love the pics of mom and dad, I think they are great!  My kids wouldn’t cooperate for one with Grandma, so the only one I got was with the boys.
After that we headed to Chris’ family celebrations, but I didn’t even get my camera out of the car.
We had a great day (even with fussy babies)!
We thank our good Lord everyday for our blessings!

Shout out to my wonderful hubby, who did a fantastic job on his driver’s test at the fire station this morning (ranked first and made a GREAT score!).  We are SO extremely proud of you Big Daddy! Way to go!


  1. Happy Easter! It looked like Landry snaked Ansley's stuffed animal. I bet she'll get him back someday. The family photos are great!

  2. Tori,you did a good job on the pictures. It was a wonderful Easter.Devonn and Danny had a real nice dinner for us all to enjoy. The little ones sure had fun with the egg hunt. I think it is great how the older boys help the young ones when they need help. It brought back happy memories to me.

  3. Looks like everyone had a great time. I like your family photo with the "Grampy knome" in it...too funny. Congrats to Chris!

  4. I was so pleased to be in a picture with my first greatgrandsons. They are such nice boys. They will soon be celebrating their birthdays.
