
Monday, March 14, 2011

Two of a Kind

So, i've never thought my kids looked alike.  After going through mom's camera card the other day, I do see a resemblance!

Landry introduced Ansley to his favorite car the other day!  He actually played bumper cars with her.  See the last pic?  It's blurry cause he's pushing her at a high rate of speed directly towards the (shut) back door... notice her holding on for dear life?
Big guy playing in the yard
I asked to take his picture, so he posed for a good 20-25 pictures!
He copies EVERYTHING his daddy does.  Even down to the way Big Daddy stands/sits. 
They are SO much alike...
Helping his daddy work in the kitchen (as Chris say's - he's gotta pay for his raisin')
**notice his new cowboy jeans?  To die for cute!!**
I believe in picking my battles with my child.  His wardrobe is not something I think is a big deal.  I usually choose his top and bottom and he is more than welcome to wear whatever shoes he chooses.  Last week, I got him dressed then told him to get his shoes.  He grabs his snow boots.  I say "Landry, don't you want to wear your tennis shoes?  It's supposed to be 80."  "NO, boots."  "okay, if you want to wear boots, find them then."  Thinking he'd probably either wear his fireman boots or cowboy boots,  I went to my room to finish getting ready and this is what he showed up wearing. 

And not to be left out - sister nappin' in her bouncer!  She's so cute!

PS- as I type this, the Bachelor is fixing to pick Emily!  Woo-Hoo!


  1. They totally look alike. But, Ansley is obviously a more girlie looking ;) But you can tell their brother and sister for sure. They are both so cute! Can't wait to see Landry again and meet Miss Ansley. Hopefully someday soon! :)

  2. Really outstanding pictures of my goodlooking great grandchildren. They bring smiles and joy as I look at them. I think Landry has good taste in selecting his wardrobe. It is wonderful how he needs to be like his Dad. Ansley sure admires her brother. She may copy her idol since Landry entertains her so much.
