
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pretty in Pink

Ansley got her first "pedicure" last night!
And let me tell you how unbelievably cute they turned out!

Her Zia painted them so I could take pictures

She was so excited!

Aren't they precious?!

On a side note; we lost my granddad to Pancreatic cancer 3 years ago today.  Even though I know he is in a much better place and I will see him again someday, I still grieve the notion of him never knowing my children.  He was honestly the greatest man I knew and I feel so blessed to have had him be such a large part of my life for so long. 

Here are a few links you can check out for more information on Pancreatic Cancer


  1. Ansley acted like a sweet model getting her nails made beautiful. I think she looks a lot like her Grammy did when she was a baby. This is a special day with happy memories. I cherish the 54 years Don and I had together. We were proud of our 2 babygirls and our4 grandchildren that were gifts from God. He got to see our 2 greatgrandsons. Thanks Tori for being so sweet and sharing today with family and friends.

  2. Looks as though Ansley is watching to make sure her pedicure is done correctly. Too cute! It sure doesn't seem as though Papa has been gone for 3 years.
