
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cereal Box Crafts

I made these little gems a few weeks ago.  Not only were they really easy to make, they are super functional!

Awhile back I had purchased a big thing of all the little individual cereals. I saved several of them, knowing I could use them somehow. 
So here's what I came up with...

 Grab some fun paper, mini cereal boxes,  mod podge (or paper glue of somekind), embellishments, magnets & letters of some kind

Cut the top of the box off.  Trim a piece of paper to fit.
And glue it onto your box

Notice I had help!

This is the back of the box.  Since you won't ever see it, it doesn't matter if your paper doesn't completely cover it.

I cut up the remaining scraps to embellish each box a little

Then using my Cricut, I cut out my (vinyl) letters & applied them to green paper.
Mod podge the paper to the front of the box, then add other extra's if you want.  I chose buttons & gemstones

Take a magnet (I had a roll of adhesive magnet paper for my cricut that I used, but you could use any kind, just make sure they'll be strong enough to stay up) and apply it to the back of your box. Now you're DONE!

Ta-Da! Sorry I didn't take a pic of them all filled up!  But they are the perfect size for cut up coupons (which i'm trying to start using... if you have any tips, I'd LOVE them!), pens you have laying around & scrap paper! 
You could use these handy little boxes for literally anything! I love them!
Let me know if you make any, i'd LOVE to see them!

I was featured!
The Girl Creative

I'm linking to these parties!
mmm buttonMakingThe Girl CreativeShow and Tell GreenBubbly Nature


  1. super cute! I would have never known they were made out of cereal boxes if you hadn't said so.

  2. Great idea for re-using before recycling! And love the paper...I haven't seen that stack before.

    Coupons! I picked up a mini accordion file from the dollar has alphabet tabs and I *think* it's supposed to be for addresses or business cards. Anyway, it's a good portable way to keep my coupons organized by either brand name or product name.

  3. Those are beautiful and wonderfully simple. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Love! I will make my own soon...

    {and will post back to you}

    coming @ you from CRAFT

  5. Very clever! Thanks for sharing. I am definitely going to get some...

  6. Such a clever idea, they look so cute and your right they could be used for so many different things, might have to make some for my fridge! Thanks for sharing

  7. What a great idea! I could use something a bit larger for all those take-out menus, too...thanks for the inspiration!

  8. This is brilliant! I have a "To Do List" download over on my blog that might fit perfectly into the box for "paper".

  9. Oh, thats a really cute idea!
    They perfect for the fridge door.
    I love it!!

  10. What great ideas! I'm a new follower! I also gave you an award over at my blog. Feel free to stop by and grab it! Dana @ D'Lea Designs

  11. Oooh, I am so going to make some of these! Thanks for the love on my blog. I could spend a lot of time reading your blog. I think I just might do that today. :)

  12. That is a perfect idea. It's funny I ran across this today because I, too, just couldn't throw out the little cereal boxes - they are just too cute. So, I saved them - not sure what I would do with them, but I like it!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  13. This is such a cute idea!! I think I will have to make some of my own for our house. I am a new follower of yours and would love if you'd follow back!

    Kelli @

  14. This is so creative and adorable, great job!

    I am stopping by from The Girl Creative's bloghop. Come check out my project if you can :)

  15. These are so cute and very useful! Those little cereal boxes are just the right size! As far as coupons go, I use a 3 ring binder and plastic page covers and card pages (like for collecting baseball cards) to keep them organized. I get the weekly paper, print them online, and combine with ecoupons (loaded onto a shopper card). If I didn't use coupons, I probably couldn't afford to shop!

  16. Such a great idea! I love it! Stopping by from Polly Want a Crafter! :)

  17. Very clever! They're eye-catching and functional. Great idea!

  18. LOVE it! I want to do this for my classroom! p.s. is your blog snowing?!

  19. What a great idea! I love them and can't wait to make some. I think I'll use Pop Tart boxes.


  20. Very cute idea! Those turned out really well, thanks for sharing.

  21. These are so cute! And so practical. Cute and practical--the perfect combo.

  22. These are perfect! We are always looking for pens or coupons and can't find where I put them! Excellent idea!

  23. Oh these are so cute!! What a fun idea!!

  24. I saw these cute boxes at one of the link ups! Then I saw that you were one of my followers! I love the crafts you have shared on your blog! Thanks for following my blog!

  25. Love these! Super cute colors too!

  26. Wow, that's so cute. I can't believe those are cereal boxes. I am your latest follower. I would love for you to come and check out my blog and follow me back at Thanks so much.

  27. Great idea, and unique! I have rolls of magnetic tape and will try this, love it!

  28. I love your thrifty idea!! Happy to be a new follower. Hope you will stop by & visit my blob. :)

  29. Great idea about adding magnets and putting them on the fridge! Those are SO cute.

    A set could also be to keep track of kids' computer time (if you use a ticket system) or a behavior management system (earning tokens to put in your box. X tokens= Xtreat)

  30. Great idea! I LOVE mod podge! I would love for you to link up to my Ten Buck Tuesday link party!

  31. These are so cute! It temptes me to go buy mini cereal boxes because I never normally get them.

  32. what a fun idea! I would love to feature this on my blog, Reduce, Reuse, Upcycle.

  33. that is such a good idea!! Love the idea of using it for coupons! thanks so much for linking up to handmade tuesdays @ (p.s. have you entered my 500 follower giveaway yet?)

  34. this is so cute! I love this idea!!! Here’s another party if you would like to link up…

  35. I love these little organizers. I was thinking that I could use left over fabric from my curtains to cover these instead of going out and buying paper! Now if I could only get the curtains made lol!

    I featured this on my friday favorites!

  36. Cuute. I love to reuse thing like that around my house and cereal boxes are so versatile. Thank you for sharing.

  37. what a cute and functional organizing idea!


  38. How cute!! And the fact that they're recycled boxes is even better! :)

  39. You were featured on Craft Envy!

  40. Very cute! Love the colors!
    Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie last week! I can't wait to see what you have for this week!

  41. I love them! They are right up my alley, thanks for sharing!
    Shannon @shannonandtonysclutteredcloset

  42. Very cute idea!!

    As far as the coupons, I don't cut them until I use them (i get four set of coupons each week-one for each member of my family). For more info, go to They are awesome at teaching you how to be a master couponer. I am also available for more questions anytime.
    stajnay {at} yahoo {dot} com

  43. Love this!!! Following you now. You have awesome ideas!

  44. These little organizers are so cute! I bet they really come in handy. I hope it's okay, I just couldn't help but feature them in a cereal box crafts roundup I just finished. You can see it here:

    Thank you for sharing this great project!

  45. Great post, These Cereal Boxes are just amazing they have so attractive and eye-catchy colors. I just loved it, Thanks for sharing such a beautiful post.

  46. Fabulous cue idea! Thanks for sharing!
    We have a wide range of quality packaging for custom boxes. Our creative packaging professional’s team ensures to provide customized packaging of products to meets your desired shape and size.

  47. Great idea for re-using before recycling! And love the paper...I haven't seen that stack before.
    Thanks For Sharing.

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