
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Works of Art

Go ahead and prepare yourself to see a few more posts this month that involve Christmas clothing...  The kids have such cute things to wear and I want to remember them, so bear with me!

This was Landry last night trying to play with the ornaments. Notice all the camo wrapped boxes?  You can for sure tell we mainly have boys in the family!

Little stud muffin

Ju Ju gave this super sweet reindeer outfit to Ansley! She looked adorable!

Mom made Landry's shirt! It's got Santa legs on it! She made Ansley and me both one'swith elf legs!

Landry painted this afternoon! He was covered head to toe and my table was completely covered in paint, but he had a blast!

A few of his works!

This is obviously how many brushes it takes to make a masterpiece!!


  1. One can never have to many brushes.

  2. I love seeing all the Christmas outfits. AND, had you not pointed out the camo, I wouldn't have seen it. Seriously. Purpose served?

  3. Landry is hard at work,checking out the tree,taking care of Ansley and doing his art work . Hope he gets paid good for his labor. Their shirts are cute in them.
